Original Post
Your posts may be deleted for clean-up issues or spam issues. Quality of your post and location are all factors in this.
I like, never spam...I still see the same amount of posts, but I lose a number in where it says Posts: (Then a number)
previously known as Lopsin
or you get a infraction maybe

This has nothing to do with post count.
Last edited by marcus; Jun 24, 2011 at 02:29 AM.
also known as Darrand
maybe an old clan/organization of yours deleted some threads that you've posted in, and that's why they are depleting. if not, what marcus said is probably the reason.
Well, so what if there's one spam...I have lost about 30 posts..and I have definitely not spammed thirty times.
previously known as Lopsin
ICOF recently merged quite a few threads with there deleted bin thread.
You have near 50 posts in it, most likely they put most of them there when they merged threads.