Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Quite Really Dead
In three days (Saturday), every thread in these forums will be locked (unless I change my mind.). No other threads will be made- they will be instantly deleted, as I want these forums pretty much dead and drained of activity (unless I change my mind.). If you need to discuss something important, PM me. If you were never in this clan, and you post, have fear that I can retrieve your IP as I'm still going to be a moderator. And I can do some pretty funny things with an IP address...(unless I change my mind.) So pack your bags, guise ;o
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Final countdown to the fission of Fusion i guess. :| (Also you didn't mention anything about posting in here)
I'll probably just be clanless for a while then, maybe seek to join TTF if i feel like i need a clan...
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
wow,the end? well fusion had a good run....i shouldnt have left with the others to TTF cause TTF has become Ub3r fail and everyone has become someone else,also i believed that this clan was what sparked my will to play Toribash and got me where i am today....but all good things come to an end.5 clans have offered me to join them but i decline all clans atm as i am tiered of clans,so yeah i thank Fusion for getting me were i am and i hope old grudges can be forgotten and friendships remain.....I will never forget FSN...

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ eVo ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

Originally Posted by shook View Post
maybe seek to join TTF if i feel like i need a clan...

Originally Posted by Shin-Yami
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster
Yeh :U Can the rest of us in FSN move in by Saturday? I has beer =O

You can move in now, just say when. Make a thread when ready saying you joined.

Quite really =P You're welcome anytime!
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by CoKe View Post
wow,the end? well fusion had a good run....i shouldnt have left with the others to TTF cause TTF has become Ub3r fail and everyone has become someone else,also i believed that this clan was what sparked my will to play Toribash and got me where i am today....but all good things come to an end.5 clans have offered me to join them but i decline all clans atm as i am tiered of clans,so yeah i thank Fusion for getting me were i am and i hope old grudges can be forgotten and friendships remain.....I will never forget FSN...

Nah, you just have your head so far up your own arse that you piss people off, even the ones with infinity patience like myself.
Tired of clans? That may be because every clan you join ends up turning on you for being so uptight, or maybe its the talking out of your arse? =)


Sad to see FSN going, was fun indeed.
TTF is open to all FSN members to join, just pm, post there, whatever. Much fun is to be had in TTF, we will be waiting.
Last edited by MysticMog; Dec 11, 2008 at 10:42 PM.
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Shin-yami i dont feel like fighting with you,seriously grow up.Also everyone did change,i realised that i am an independent bastard that hates ppl ordering me around and you....you have become "Shin-yami" and he is not who i knew "Jim" was who i knew and it was because of you, AcidMan and Sa1uk that i went to TTF with you But then Sa1uk stopped playing and AcidMan became inactive and you became Shin-yami(who is a completely different person).so i had nothing left to keep me in TTF and also seriously no matter how much i want to stop hating you you just keep hating me....and i have learnt a great deal since i left...FSN was what made me want to play,When i was in Ark i was seriously inactive but FSN made me want to play TB so yeah like i said All Good Things Come To An End.

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ eVo ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

Originally Posted by CoKe View Post
Shin-yami i dont feel like fighting with you,seriously grow up.Also everyone did change,i realised that i am an independent bastard that hates ppl ordering me around and you....you have become "Shin-yami" and he is not who i knew "Jim" was who i knew and it was because of you, AcidMan and Sa1uk that i went to TTF with you But then Sa1uk stopped playing and AcidMan became inactive and you became Shin-yami(who is a completely different person).so i had nothing left to keep me in TTF and also seriously no matter how much i want to stop hating you you just keep hating me....and i have learnt a great deal since i left...FSN was what made me want to play,When i was in Ark i was seriously inactive but FSN made me want to play TB so yeah like i said All Good Things Come To An End.

The only reason I 'hated' on you with that last post is because you said unnecessary things about TTF. You are entitled to your opinion yes, I wouldn't have 'hated' on you if you hadn't said that crap in the first place. You get what you ask for, I am simply replying to your own insults.
If you must know I do not hate you coke, I am simply annoyed at you for lying about everything you said in TTF. I really thought you liked us coke, what do you think my reaction would be when you stabbed us in the back?

I know you will probably come up with some response along the lines of 'you changed' or 'grow up' like some broken record. But really Coke, everyone changes at some point, even so I kept you in the clan. Even when you were being a major pain in the arse I still tried my best to keep you in. Most other clans would have kicked you out at an early point, but I cared so i tried my best to solve the problem. All of these times we spent as a clan, you saying how you would remain till 'the end'. The what happens?
I had a low point, I suffer from problems I will not delve into here but they can affect my attitude and how I act online too. Any understanding person would probably guess something was up, a friend would have talked to me about it. I know kraetyz can seem like an annoying dick, but he has his own issues, I spoke to him about my issues and that helped somewhat. I still suffer from issues now, yes I am different and I try not to act like this annoying moaning asshole. You leaving, then blaming it on 'inactivity' at one of my low points was quite a low blow because I trusted you coke. I took it personally, I know I shouldn't but i did. But know this, I didn't flame you until you said that post calling everyone 'little bitches' and all that other nasty stuff.

Kraetyz was the first person to flame you, Kraetyz is one person Coke, not everyone in the clan. Whats done is done, It would be next to impossible now for us to become 'friends' again. But it would be possible to at least have some respect for each other that we don't talk unnecessary shit about each other. This post isn't meant to make you look bad, It is to make you understand why me and some of the others 'hated' on you after you left and made that post.

I apologize if i offended you.

I hope this is the last post i have to make about this.
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