Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post


Post in here if you have anything you would like to see in the clan that is not there already, The leaders/co.leaders will discuss the suggestion,
if your not answered that means we will most likely be talking about it in private.
Rules: Do not Post in here Unless you are Suggesting, Answering, Asking.
Last edited by Tuna; May 29, 2014 at 03:58 PM. Reason: Art Updates! YAY!!
I have some suggestions:

1. Move that threads that are unusefull, the first four
2. Let's make a symoblistic of clan ex: Yes- Ymprove especially silence
3. Edit recruitement system make it simple free form and people will write how they would like and we will recruit people we love.
4. Recruit more members
5. Edit clan members position: Leaders, [Yes]Legends and trials + bank
I see only these suggestions at moment.
Originally Posted by Guner View Post
I have some suggestions:

1. Move that threads that are unusefull, the first four
2. Let's make a symoblistic of clan ex: Yes- Ymprove especially silence
3. Edit recruitement system make it simple free form and people will write how they would like and we will recruit people we love.
4. Recruit more members
5. Edit clan members position: Leaders, [Yes]Legends and trials + bank
I see only these suggestions at moment.

reply to #1: We have an unlimited space for Threads, So we have no need to move them.
reply to #2: um I did not understand.
Reply to #3: We may Edit it one day, It is a Free forum System all ready I,E, We do not give out a C/p Application,
Reply to #4: We are always open to Applicants but we are a tight nit clan, so it is hard to get in.
Reply to #5: We have no need to edit the Ranks as we are hapy with it.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Im jealous if the clan mash event. We need to make one too, so lets get about 300k together for the event. You all know all my tc is for events so yeah, lets do this.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
reply to #2: um I did not understand.

I wanted to say that all clan tags and names means something.

Our name should represent us so we should make a symbolistic of clan.


Impro - Imrpovisation
fl0w- fairplay low 0ajsjd Wjsajd
How about;


Good idea, but our name is ofc.
Last edited by Link; Mar 20, 2014 at 09:25 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I think that the clan name Yes is good as it is, without a shortening of some kind. I understand that some clans such as [CW] and [MAD] (examples) are short for cooler names, but [Yes] is fine just standing for Yes. A good suggestion though.

As for the others:
Originally Posted by Guner
1. Move that threads that are unusefull, the first four
3. Edit recruitement system make it simple free form and people will write how they would like and we will recruit people we love.
4. Recruit more members
5. Edit clan members position: Leaders, [Yes]Legends and trials + bank

1. The spare threads do not need to be moved or deleted, mainly because we have unlimited space and there is no need to delete / move them. If they seem useless then a one of us leaders will delete it at a later point.
3. A Free Form application is pretty much as simple as it can get in all honesty, we just expect people to put what they believe is needed in a regular app and then set it how they wish to. As for recruiting people we love, we will know them when they come along, but for now we will wait for them.
4. Sort of the same as the above, we don't need to go out recruiting people. We may be a small clan, but we are a small clan made of great friends, and thats all you really need in the toribash community in order to have fun.
5. The member positions are fine as they are for the time being. We may change them in some distant future, but as long as most people are content with them as they are now, they will stay that way.

That may have turned into another wall of text, but oh well x)
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