Original Post
[s]void demon flames

Flame: Void Arufak RH Forged by DecapW on 2009-10-12 20:36:52 for
the Right Hand(1109).

Flame: Void Arufak LH
Forged by DecapW on 2009-10-12 20:36:07 for the Left Hand (110.

Flame: Death Touch
Forged by HunterDrow on 2009-11-14 00:07:21 for the Left Foot (1264).

Flame: Death Touch
Forged by HunterDrow on 2009-11-14 00:07:35 for the Right Foot (1265).

one of ur hand flames for 29k?? (also free requests from my shop)
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[Kingdomz] Proud Member!
40k for one of the footflames?

pm if you accept
Last edited by Kerlis; Jun 29, 2010 at 07:58 PM.