Original Post
How to increase
can you guys tell me some good ways to
get higher post rate:
fast qi:
how you get tc :
and how to make head rotate in gimp

be free if you have a question to ask if looking for good ways

who's the best toribash player
Last edited by clipsall; Aug 15, 2011 at 11:56 AM.
Get higher post rate: Don't. I've banned people for getting above 20 with crappy posts.
Fast qi: Don't. Play longer.
More TC: Be good at betting.
Rotating heads: Look it up in tutorials.

Also, don't make all caps thread titles.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
higher post rate: post more often. (make them legitimate posts though)
faster qi: play more
more tc: bet, and win tourneys/duels.
Head spin: Go to filters/animation/spinning globe... and then enter the amount of frames... (25 is a good number). Then when it comes up as a globe. Go to animations again and select playback to view it.

Then just save the globe as a .gif animation.
get higher post rate: Wait and just post useful posts, don't rush it.
fast qi: Just play alot, or buy qi
how you get tc : Marketting
Filters - Animation - Spinning globe - save as - .gif
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
higher post rate: go to the discussion board and post some answers in a few of the threads. people with reply and then you reply and so on and so forth.

fast qi: pick a friend and the two of you play a bunch of games in your own private server.

how to get tc: make some textures in gimp and sell them in the art/texture thread. or play some tournaments.

spinning head: filters> animation> spinning globe. set the frame rate a little higher for a more high quality spin. save the round head as (title).gif with your own title instead of (title).

glad i could help
Originally Posted by dravensk8 View Post
higher post rate: go to the discussion board and post some answers in a few of the threads. people with reply and then you reply and so on and so forth.

I do not recommend this if you are not interested in the topic of discussion.

For example, don't go to a topic of something you don't like. You will most likely post shit there and annoy mods.

Avoid this.
Originally Posted by dravensk8 View Post

fast qi: pick a friend and the two of you play a bunch of games in your own private server.

I believe that is Qi Farming.

On topic, You can't just magically get more Qi and Posts in Toribash without hard work, Play at least 2 hours a day for the Qi. Don't Overdo your posts either, that will be spam.
Dose is dead.
So playing games with your friend is farming, damn, that mean pretty much everyone farms -_-

Yo get higher post count, just let it come natural, if you let it come natural, the next thing you know, you'll have 5,000 posts :3

For QI, just play the game all day, simple

For tc, but items for cheap on the market forum and if you have enough patience, sell the items for higher on the market

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
while in head is it supposed to be Gif
or is it .Gif animated cause i cant save the file while its spinning when i save as .gif and check save as animation