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What do you think?
There's this video I've seen on YouTube that is pretty old... It's called (boxer beats up 2 guys in a park)

I've just been wondering which one is the real dumbass?
Are they hitting her as a prank?
Or is mr. Sweat pants over-reacting?

Honestly, I think that he just over-reacted.
But if u have any other things of proof, pls show meh.
Bank of the Burning Assassin of Wicked: Wolf257
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I think those dumb ass's got what was coming to them. They think slapping random girls in the face is funny and they probably have done something like this before, That's like if you were walking in the mall and some guy punched your Mom in the face. You'd be pretty pissed off, and want to punch them in the face and that is exactly what this guy did. The two idiots who punched the girl in the face deserved that and the boxer definitely taught those douche's a lesson, plus if he just didn't do anything it would show the girl that he can't protect her, and hopefully those two ass's learned not to mess around with random people because some of them can be boxers or whatnot, but after looking at it after a while the "slap" looked like an accident, so they might not have intentionally done it, plus they did not fight back so it might have been an accident but either way they should look where they are swinging their arms because a boxer might be waiting there, so it is really hard to tell, but I am leaning more toward "they did it on purpose". :3
Last edited by MrJingles; May 7, 2011 at 01:13 AM.
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well, in the beginning he points to the right, then looks over his shoulder, you can tell he sees them, but he hits her about 5 seconds later, which would be really hard to do. Plus even if they did do it on purpose, the boxer over-reacted and hit both of them several times, instea of just the guy that did it once.
The boxer beat them both up because he has been trained to eliminate any risks, He must have thought that the other two guys will fight back or he would not have been so aggressive.
Dose is dead.
if someone touched my girl ill shove my foot so far up his butthole that he's gonna taste shit for breakfast. THose guys had no business messing with the girl
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I share my girl with the likes of Uric, Spacellama, Echoforce, and Chris. So I would've been like, "Just don't get her pregnant, kthx."