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What is your high school like?
I would like to know how everyones high school is and what the people are like there.

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I like this idea. I'm curious as well.

Here's a little background. My school sits in a poorer part of town, more like lower middle class. The 'poorer' part of town is surrounded by a larger section of middle through higher middle class part of town. With random sections of the whole town dotted with a handful of very rich kid neighborhoods.

My school actually has a large amount of 'richer' kids that go to it. The 'poorer' kids go to one of the 3 other schools part of my school system. My school is full of very snobby rich kids. And a few kids who are pretty much normal. Teachers are actually pretty normal as far as teachers go. Otherwise, its just pretty much a normal high school, just filled with people who think they can have anything they want because they've been spoiled.

EDIT: Thank you, I just added my avvy, and this was my first post.

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Well, my high school is full of idiots. Because of the gangster culture that's developed here in south Louisiana, it's not cool to make good grades anymore. Half of the teachers are incompetent (I can say this because I'm a teenager, and I'm better than them) and don't know what they're talking about half of the time. Drugs are a pretty common thing to come by, which is a good thing I guess.

Our school isn't falling apart or anything, but it's atleast 60 years old. Because of where I live, there's an incredible gap socioeconomically. The rich kids wear high-quality school uniforms, (their parents are either sugarcane farmers, or have some involvement in offshore work), so the poor kids are pretty evident.
Last edited by jxc1013; Apr 25, 2011 at 11:04 PM.
I kind of like my school. There aren't many wannabe gangsters around, but there are a lot of stuck-up preps and jocks. Of coarse there are idiots, but not too many that are complete vegetables with no common sense. Most of the kids that go there are middle class. The teachers are pretty nice and actually teach. Only two students have committed suicide this school semester. I'm pretty content with my school.
Wow from what I hear you guys's schools are VERY diverse. We have the cliche. Your jocks, (some are actually pretty good though) The annoying as !@#$ preps, nerds (I guess you could say) A division that is just kind of there. Not normal, because nobody is "normal". Hmm... not band geeks because band geeks in my school are actually the more cool/popular people. But then your emo/goths. However like every high school, you have 1 quarter of the school which is arrogant, 1 quarter which is drug addict, another quarter for the immature and a last quarter for the really smart I keep-to-myself people, and everybody else inbetween.
Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
Only two students have committed suicide this school semester. I'm pretty content with my school.

I totally lol'd at that. I'm not happy they did it, I'm kind of sad but just the tone you said it with like its an everyday thing. I have only heard about one suicide in our entire district and that wasn't even at our school and was back in the 1970's.
Last edited by Think; Apr 25, 2011 at 11:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

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My school is 6 miles away in henderson, I live in Las Vegas(obviously we live right on the edge of henderson and vegas). Most of the people that go to the school are from henderson though there's a lot that are in vegas. The entire school has around 2000 students. I think it's a middle class school, since I hear 2 other schools being referred to as nice rich kid schools, so this one definitely isn't the one full of rich kids. The races are about even I'd say, maybe more mexicans than black, white *probably* has the most. Since there's so many students it's not like you'd see a bully around or anything, everyone pretty much sticks with their friends. At the moment all the teachers are panicky about the budget cuts. Meme use among students has risen dramatically, 2 of my 6 classes as newfags using old memes like mudkip and also are saying u jelly/u mad bro? which annoys me since they're newfags. The lunch is terrible. You pay 3$ for shitty little meals that are cooked from frozen. What has me pissed off is one of the meals we'll get is a bread stick and a tiny tiny styrofoam bull of chili, probably 5 bites of chili worth. I don't buy the school lunch though, instead I get a pepsi for 1.50 or if the doors are unlocked on that day a dr pepper because fuck yeah. The school has the main building which holds most of the classes and the lunch room, then there's the gym which has the boys and girls locker rooms on the sides and some rooms upstairs for weight training and other stuff. Then there's the 800 building which is like 5 stories high and has a bunch of classes. Then there are the portables which have a few classes. The school is about 60 years old, and the mascot/animal is wolves.

That about describes my whole school

tl;dr Fuck you.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
2 of my 6 classes as newfags using old memes like mudkip and also are saying u jelly/u mad bro? which annoys me since they're newfags.
tl;dr Fuck you.

Haha I can kind of relate to that because we had an exchange student 1st semester from japan, and now a full-time student from Ukraine. (But the Ukrainian guy is really cool. Never met the Japanese girl.)

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My school is overall pretty nice. It's not a shitty school in the rundown part of town. We have 2000+ student's and its overcrowded. Most of my teacher have been good especially my art teacher. There used to be fights all the time, but it seems like everyone's mellowed out for the most part.
My (old) school used to be cool until it merged with the junior high. According to young'ins in the neighbahood, everything has been strict as hell and they all hate school now. When I went there it was drugs...drugs...I-wanna-be-black-but-im-white type of guys...and more drugs. good stuff, I tell ya.
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Originally Posted by DjPz View Post
My (old) school used to be cool until it merged with the junior high. According to young'ins in the neighbahood, everything has been strict as hell and they all hate school now. When I went there it was drugs...drugs...I-wanna-be-black-but-im-white type of guys...and more drugs. good stuff, I tell ya.

Aw man that must suck with those schools combined. I hate 5-9 ish graders.

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