Original Post
Guru IRC quotes
Post #toriguru quotes here.

This thread is to contain all IRC related posts into one general area instead of having multiple "epic convo" threads.
Here's an old one.

* anti-indifferent beats indifferent with lancer
* lancer_c AHHHH
* indifferent beats anti-indifferent with apathy
* anti-indifferent beats indifferent with a carrot
* indifferent beats anti-indifferent with harsh reasoning
* anti-indifferent stabs indifferent with a guitar
* indifferent bludgeons anti-indifferent with a... bludgeon
<lancer_c> lancer + carrot + stabing someone with a blunt object > apathy and harsh reasoning
* anti-indifferent strangles indifferent with a pile of dog shit
* indifferent destroys anti-indifferent with an epic rick roll
* anti-indifferent explodes to indifferent
* indifferent explodes to lancer_c
* lancer_c AHHHHHH

indifferent = mosier
anti-indifferent= me
~What word begins with p and ends in orn? Popcorn!~
Originally Posted by Splunker
...i cant just sit and watch the clan i made and payed for just die in my face it hurts...

<~lancer_c> O.O
<~lancer_c> o.o
<~lancer_c> o.o
<~lancer_c> O.O
<~lancer_c> o.o
<~lancer_c> O.O
<~lancer_c> O.O
<~lancer_c> O.O
<~lancer_c> o.o
<~Moltex> ?
<~lancer_c> o.o?
<~lancer_c> O.O!


<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
<LJ> ohay thar
<Yasiou> err hai
* Sami comes along
<Sami> HAI
* A-Wolf *Howl*
<Yasiou> D:
<LJ> oshi
<LJ> a wolf!
<Yasiou> what was that
<Yasiou> ?
<Sami> eek
<LJ> i think
* A-Wolf hides within the forest.
<LJ> also sounded like a cat...>.>
<Yasiou> possibly a duck
<Yasiou> :o<LJ> ...
<LJ> not again
<GhostProphet> you shall
* LJ calls death
<LJ> no...not the duck..
<Sami> it was just an elephant
* A-Wolf devours a cat and duck.
<LJ> !!!
* A-Wolf *and an elephant*
* A-Wolf *thus the noise that was heard*
<LJ> i didnt hear anything...
<LJ> did you?
* A-Wolf devours LJ's ears.
<Sami> i heard a quack :o
<Sami> ohshit
* LJ looks around for his ear
<Yasiou> hmm, why don't you have ears?
* A-Wolf *Howl*
<LJ> i dunno
<LJ> thought i heard a quack
<Yasiou> D:
* A-Wolf steps closer.
<LJ> another quack
<LJ> i though i got rid of that duck :|
<Yasiou> *spins around* did you here that?
<LJ> here what?
* A-Wolf lunges for yasiou.
<Yasiou> that
<Yasiou> D:
<LJ> oic
* Yasiou hits the floor
* LJ pulls out his lightsaber
<Yasiou> get it off me
* A-Wolf bites feircely on Yasiou's leg
<Yasiou> raaapeee
<Yasiou> get it off me
<Yasiou> call the cops
* LJ cuts the wolf's head off
* Sami runs and hides
<LJ> hm...
<Yasiou> raaaaaaapppee
<LJ> you remind me of the duck
<Yasiou> oh, its dead
<Yasiou> what duck?
<Yasiou> >.>
<Yasiou> <.<
<LJ> ...
<randomvillager> I saw the whole thing
<LJ> would you remember this cap?
<randomvillager> take heed
* LJ pulls out the new york cap
<randomvillager> once you are biten by the wolf
<randomvillager> you too will become a beast...
<randomvillager> it is only a matter of time
<LJ> another beast? ..
<Yasiou> like a warewulf?
<randomvillager> yes eactly
<LJ> im pretty sure you will be a wareduck :|
<Yasiou> i c
<LJ> cause i know you ate lancer...
<Yasiou> what? what duck?
<Yasiou> randomvillager: could you take me to your village
<LJ> no, dont do it!
<Yasiou> I need asisstance with this wound
* Sami comes from the hides
<Sami> sup?
* LJ is suspicious of this "Yasiou"
<Yasiou> randomvillager: err, did you hear me?
<LJ> ohay sam
<randomvillager> I fear I cannot, and I advise you too avoid contact with those you hold dear.
<randomvillager> Or you will unwillingly bring them to their death
<Yasiou> LJ looks like its me and you
<LJ> ...
* randomvillager comes forward to LJ
<LJ> yes?
<randomvillager> take this
* randomvillager hands LJ a dagger.
<randomvillager> the blade is pure silver
<LJ> oh thanks
<randomvillager> when the time comes...
* LJ stabs Yasiou
<randomvillager> well
<randomvillager> I must be off
<Yasiou> arhg
<Yasiou> shit, what was that for?
<LJ> didnt he say you would become a warewolf
<LJ> or am i just deaf?
<randomvillager> um, he hasn't turned yet you idiot
<LJ> oh...
<LJ> my bad!
* Sami sees LJ's huuge.. dagger
<Sami> :O
* LJ stabs Sami
<Sami> ow
<Yasiou> Sami: go get help
* randomvillager *facepalms*
* Sami runs
<LJ> what are you still doing here, villager
<Cop> Hey
<LJ> i thought you were leaving
<Yasiou> randomvillager: please, help me....
<Cop> what's up here
* LJ charges the cop
<Yasiou> oh thank god
* LJ stabs the cop
<Yasiou> wtf are you doing?
<Cop> you're all arrested
<LJ> you cant arrest us when you are dying...
<Cop> i has daggerproof armor btw
<LJ> oh
<LJ> that makes sense...
<Cop> indeed
<LJ> fag
<Cop> no u
* LJ takes the daggerproof armor away from the cop
<LJ> aha!
<Cop> onoes
* Cop gets gun
* Moon starts to become full.
* LJ cuts the cop's hand off
* Cop shoot LJ's leg
<LJ> Cop.... I am your fathe-
<LJ> ow
<LJ> D:
<Cop> :O
<Cop> really?
<LJ> yarly
<Cop> oh shit
* Cop hugs
* LJ falls to the ground
<Cop> <3
<LJ> your hug didnt help my wound...
* Full-Moon shines brightly
<LJ> ohshi
<Cop> cool, fullmoon
<LJ> Yasiou should be changing now
<LJ> Run!
<LJ> wait no
<LJ> carry me
* Yasiou transforms
* Cop runs and carries LJ
* Yasiou Warewulf
<LJ> oh, and gimme your gun
* Cop n' LJ hide in a abandoned building
* Cop gives the gun
* Yasiou -> Warewulf
* LJ fires at the warewulf
<LJ> pew pew
<Warewulf> *Howl*
<LJ> run cop
<LJ> save yourself!
* Cop runs to somewhere
<Warewulf> *Stares at the moon* Ah my good friend, it has awoken me
* LJ starts to crowl away from the warewolf
* Warewulf swiftly pursues the Cop
<Warewulf> Where do you think you're going?
<LJ> um
<LJ> to go buy you something...nice
<Cop> eh.. for a piss!
<Warewulf> orly?
<Cop> :o
<LJ> ye
<Cop> yea
<LJ> so...can i go?
* Warewulf cringes
<Warewulf> ahhh...
<Cop> and me?
<Warewulf> what is it that you have mortal, that makes me weak?
<LJ> nothin...
* LJ hids the dagger
* Full-Moon becomes covered by the clouds.
<Warewulf> *Howll*
* LJ looks up, noticing the clouds
* Warewulf tranforms into Yasiou and fall to the ground
* LJ throws the dagger at yasiou's heart
<Cop> ohi Yasiou
<LJ> we cant risk that again
<Cop> yeah
* Full-Moon shines again as the clouds move away.
<Yasiou> *pant*
<Yasiou> *pant*
<Yasiou> *pant*
* Cop goes to search a bathroom
<LJ> no!
<Yasiou> *howl*
<LJ> sonofa
<WareDuck> *twitch*
<WareDuck> *twitch*
<LJ> oh, now you are the duck..
<Sami> hay
<WareDuck> So you knew it was me
<Sami> whats up
<WareDuck> you
* LJ puts the new york cap down the wareduck's neck
<WareDuck> bastard of a tranlator
<LJ> leave him alone!
<WareDuck> stole my powers
<WareDuck> !
<WareDuck> no u
<LJ> :|
* WareDuck throws LJ away
* Sami gets a carrot
<LJ> why can you st-
<LJ> ow
<Sami> FEAR ME
<WareDuck> haha
<LJ> i landed on some thorns
* randomvilliger watches from a distance.
<WareDuck> that cannot effect me in this form
<Sami> for i have a carrot
<WareDuck> I am unstopable
* LJ finds a pure carrot
<Sami> :o
* LJ grabs it
<Sami> *stab*
* WareDuck slowly approaches Sami
* randomvilliger calls out
* LJ tosses it to Sami
<Sami> *stab*
* WareDuck eats carrots
<randomvilliger> your friend is still within the beast, you can still reach you to him!
<randomvilliger> you have to show him...
<randomvilliger> your love!
<Sami> oshit
* Sami hugs
<LJ> er..
<WareDuck> you, be silent
<WareDuck> you are next
<WareDuck> huh, get of me
<Sami> yasiou my love <3
<Sami> come here
* LJ hugs wareduck from behind
<WareDuck> wut
<randomvilliger> hugging will probably get your head ripped off thoug...
<Sami> pwease?
<LJ> oh..
<Sami> ..
<LJ> er
<WareDuck> arghh..what is this?
<Sami> D:
<WareDuck> has everyone turned gay while I was gone?
<Sami> Yasiou..
<Sami> hear meeee..
<WareDuck> who are you talking to?
<WareDuck> I see no Yasiou around
<WareDuck> Mwhahaha
<Sami> deep within the duck there's a yasiou
<Sami> i know it
<Sami> :o
<WareDuck> ^.-
<LJ> *pfft* thats retarded
<WareDuck> *twitch*
<Sami> and.. a lancer too :o
<LJ> oshi
<WareDuck> *twitch*
<LJ> i think he is turning back
<WareDuck> what is happening?
<LJ> i think you reached him Sam!
<WareDuck> aaarrrgghhhh
<WareDuck> !
* WareDuck falls
<randomvilliger> you've turned him back!
<Sami> yay
* WareDuck transforms back into Yasiou
<randomvilliger> but... he is still a wearwolf due to you stabbing him earlier when he was NOT changed
<LJ> my bad...
<Yasiou> what the?
<Yasiou> why do I have fur?
* Full-Moon *shining*
<Yasiou> and claws...and
<Sami> you're a werewolf
* LJ stabs the wolf in the face
<Sami> n stuff
<Warewulf> the desire for blood
* Warewulf deflects
* Sami runs again
<LJ> my blade!
<LJ> oh well
<LJ> ill use this crappy pure dagger
<Warewulf> you're not getting away this time
* LJ stabs the wolf with the pure dagger
* Warewulf pounces on Sami
* Warewulf begins to lacerate
* Sami runs faster
<LJ> get off of him!
<Sami> D:
<Warewulf> ^.-
* Warewulf procedes with getting off Sami and begins to attack LJ
<LJ> oshi
* LJ fires a golden bullet at the wolf
<Warewulf> *yelp*
* Sami steals a car and drives somewhere
<Warewulf> how did you?
* randomvillager *facepalms*
<LJ> i can shoot bullets
<randomvillager> gold won't hurt it idiot
<LJ> from my fingers
<LJ> titanium?
<randomvillager> no...
<Chuck_Norris> WASSUP
<Warewulf> ...
<LJ> bullets made from crystals?
<Chuck_Norris> *roundhousekick*
<LJ> or that
<LJ> that works too...
* Warewulf flies into nearby tree
* LJ gets a butterfly net, and catches the warewolf
<Warewulf> >.>;
<Warewulf> *breaks net
<LJ> it appears he cant break a butterfly net...
<LJ> ornot
<Warewulf> along with LJ's arms*
* Warewulf flees
<LJ> fgt!
* LJ gets robotic arms
<Chuck_Norris> *roundhousekick*
* Full-Moon starts flying toward earth!
<Warewulf> Looks like you have bigger things to worry bout...
* Chuck_Norris teleports away, as he is bored here
* LJ turminates the warewolf
* Prophet runs up upon the hill
<Prophet> I told you all this day will come
* LJ grabs a sword and drives it through the back of the Prophet
* Superman stops the moon
<Prophet> uhhh
<Prophet> *pant*
<Prophet> you're mad, you're all mad
<Superman> that was unnecessary LJ D:
<Prophet> !
<LJ> it was very necessary
<Prophet> I
<Prophet> from this day forth
<Prophet> lay a curse on thee
* Superman uses lazor eyes on LJ
<Superman> olol
<Superman> ur blind
* LJ reflects with his sunglasses
* Prophet dies
<LJ> ur wrong
<Superman> oh
<Superman> damnit
<LJ> ...
<LJ> not again
<GhostProphet> you shall
* LJ calls death
<GhostProphet> D:
<GhostProphet> what?
<Death> hello?
<GhostProphet> the Grim Reaper himself?!
<LJ> yes, we has a ghost problem
<Death> oh k
* Death teleports to LJ
<Death> where is he?
<Superman> hai reaper what's up
* LJ points at GhostProphet
<GhostProphet> villagers!
<Death> ohey superman, ill be back for you tomorrow
<GhostProphet> know this,
* Full-Moon approaches earth faster.
<Death> and mr prophet, come with me
<Superman> okay then Death
<GhostProphet> LJ threatens the very purity of our world
* Full-Moon *closer and closer*
<Death> we need to go see satan
<GhostProphet> He must not be left to live
<GhostProphet> Satan!?
* Death grabs the prophet before he can curse LJ
<Death> comon, lets go
<GhostProphet> I am not associated with the likes of evil
<GhostProphet> wait
<GhostProphet> noo
<GhostProphet> noooooooooooooo
<Death> yes, you are
<GhostProphet> before I leave
* GhostProphet casts curse on LJ
<GhostProphet> farewell
* Death undoes curse
<GhostProphet> D:
* Death takes the prophet to satan
<GhostProphet> you cannot undo a curse
* Full-Moon is about 5 miles from earth.
* Full-Moon is about 4 miles from earth.
* Full-Moon is about 3 miles from earth.
* Full-Moon is about 2 miles from earth.
<Death> Superman, stop that moon!
* Full-Moon is about 1 mile from earth.
* Superman stops it
<Death> if you dont, ill take you with us
* Full-Moon freezes in place!
<Death> oh thanks
* GhostProphet casts curse without anyone's knowledge
<Superman> once again
<Death> k
* Death teleports to satan with the ghost
* Full-Moon rick rolls the planet and then flys back into its original position.
<Superman> my job here is done
<Death> kbai
* Superman disappears
<Death> hello Satan
<Death> i bring you another ghost
<Satan> another one?
<Satan> who of?
<Death> and this time i wont reap you, cause you arent disguised
<Death> of a prophet
<Sami> soo.. what's up now?
<Satan> a prophet you say
<Death> yes
<Sami> cool, it's Satan himself
<Death> want to have a prophet sammich?
<Satan> I just love prophets for there talk of tomfoolery
<Satan> hey, whose that guy?
<Sami> can has autographs?
<Satan> Death: sure
<Death> a fan...
<GhostProphet> sammich?
<GhostProphet> the food of the devil
<GhostProphet> no don
<GhostProphet> t
<GhostProphet> I beg you
<GhostProphet> please
<Death> come here ghost!
<GhostProphet> have mercy
* Death puts the ghost on bread
<GhostProphet> noo
<GhostProphet> nooooo
* Death adds some toppings and such
* Death gives to Satan
<GhostProphet> someone help
<Satan> no one can hear you scream in the fiery depths of Hell, ghost
<Satan> it is of no use
* Satan signs Sami's autograph book
<Satan> now, off you go
<Sami> yay
<Satan> oh btw
<Satan> what do you want for christmas?
<Sami> wait, how can i get away from hell..
* Audience looks confused.
<Sami> hm.. a pet ghost would be neat
<Satan> *sigh*
<Satan> Death
<Death> ... i just made him a sammich
<Death> gah
<Satan> bring the ghost here
* Death brings the ghost to Satan
* Satan gives the ghost to Sami
<Satan> now death, send him back to his world
<Sami> its not christmas yet, but thanks :o
* Death takes Sami and the ghost back to LJ and the others
<Sami> ohi LJ
<LJ> welcome back
<GhostProphet> *whispers* thank you sir
<GhostProphet> thank you
<Death> now gtfo
<Death> all of you
<Sami> i has pet ghost
<Satan> DEATH
<Death> yes...sir?
<Death> scaring the people
<Death> sorry sir... D:
* Sami hears noises down below
<Death> *whimper*
* Death leaves
* Satan leaves
<Narrator> So the unlikely heros have survived Death and Satan
* Audience walks off, still a bit confuzed.
<Narrator> wait im not done
<Narrator> show some respect
<Narrator> >.>
* Audience turns back around.
* Audience folds arms.
<Narrator> *clears throat*
<Narrator> thanks to the media that is
<Narrator> With the revelation of the WareDuck and the disappearance of the WareWulf and Yasiou
<Narrator> the location of lancer is still unknown
<Narrator> Will the heros ever find any clues that will assist them in their search?
<Narrator> Or will they be denounced as racist, sexual offenders, bent on raping ducks and sentenced to death by burning?
* Audience throws bricks at the Narrator.
* Narrator dodges
<Narrator> ..the hell?
<Narrator> who carries bricks around to a show?
* Audience *one calls out:* hows that for a clue!
* Audience *one calls out:* hell would be your preformance!
<Narrator> indeed it would sir, indeed it would
* Narrator closes curtains

was too much for one post, and its a bit of a squal to both of our convos
the other ones ^
<Vigilante> I have a cute, fluffy browneyed bagel.


=-= Mordecizzle is now known as Mord[Moltexsucks]
<Mord[Moltexsucks]> <--
<Mord[Moltexsucks]> Now, I'm going to play halo, kthnx
<Moltex> gtfo
<Moltex> halosux
<Psy-T> heh
=-= Mord[Moltexsucks] was booted from #toriguru by Moltex (suxxx)
<Spaztic_One> Moltex
<Spaztic_One> ur dum
<Moltex> nou
<Spaztic_One> Mord[Moltexsucks] was booted from #toriguru by Moltex (suxxx)
<Spaztic_One> by Moltex (suxxx)
<Spaztic_One> Moltex (suxxx)
<Moltex> oshi
<Spaztic_One> You admitted it
=-= Moltex was booted from #toriguru by Moltex (roxxx)
-->| Moltex ( has joined #toriguru
<Moltex> FIXED


<Spaztic_One> I got bit on the shin by a mosquito.
<Moltex> lol
<Moltex> scratch it
<Moltex> hard
<RampagingRump> What the shit
<Mosier> suck out the poison
<Spaztic_One> That's what she said


<Jsoh> Anything with the words *down under* should be accompanied with a
<Mosier> jsoh
<Mosier> your mother is down under
Be careful...
...we're watching.
[16:28:40] <Spaztic_One> Hordes of zerglings pouring into a batallion of marrines with a few medics
[16:28:49] <Spaztic_One> endless swarm
[16:28:55] <Spaztic_One> only scoring a few hits
[16:29:01] <Ishi> oh
[16:29:03] <Spaztic_One> but then one of the medics runs out of mana
[16:29:06] <Spaztic_One> oh no!
[16:29:13] <Spaztic_One> and now they can't heal them fast enough
[16:29:16] <Ishi> it seems there isnt a space in starcraft
[16:29:20] <Spaztic_One> A marine dies.
[16:29:34] <Spaztic_One> Then they can't fend them off as well
[16:29:46] <Spaztic_One> more of the acursed beasts are breaking through the wall of fire
[16:29:47] <HomerDawkins> Join HomerDawkins
[16:29:57] <HomerDawkins> Pass is Uhh
[16:30:15] <Spaztic_One> no it's not
[16:30:19] <Spaztic_One> anyways
[16:30:32] <Spaztic_One> Now another marine falls
[16:30:41] <Spaztic_One> Oh no, it seems the terrans are getting overrun
[16:30:45] <Spaztic_One> another
[16:30:47] <Spaztic_One> and another
[16:30:49] <HomerDawkins> hmm
[16:30:54] <Spaztic_One> They're dropping like flies man!
[16:31:02] -->| nmilk ( has joined #toriguru
[16:31:03] =-= Mode #toriguru +oq nmilk nmilk by ChanServ
[16:31:10] <Spaztic_One> Oh, gods! The Cavalry! Firebats
[16:31:17] <Spaztic_One> But what's this?
[16:31:18] <HomerDawkins> OHSHI
[16:31:28] <Spaztic_One> The Zerglings got adrenal glands!
[16:31:35] <Spaztic_One> Oh noes!
[16:31:39] <Spaztic_One> We're screwed man!
[16:31:44] <Spaztic_One> They're even faster now!
[16:32:05] <Spaztic_One> They begins ripping and tearing the terrans apart
[16:32:22] <Spaztic_One> Rending their fragile humin flesh from their soft calcium bones
[16:32:25] <Spaztic_One> human*
[16:32:36] <HomerDawkins> lol
[16:32:37] <HomerDawkins> humin
[16:32:43] <Spaztic_One> The slaughter is immense.
[16:32:51] <Spaztic_One> Hundreds of zerglings dead
[16:33:02] <Spaztic_One> thirty terrans
[16:33:08] <Spaztic_One> Damn those medics
[16:33:16] |<-- nmilkosky has left (Ping timeout)
[16:33:21] <HomerDawkins> :o
[16:33:23] <Spaztic_One> They held off the Swarm
[16:33:27] <Spaztic_One> But only just
[16:33:35] <Spaztic_One> then, someone notices someting
[16:33:38] <Spaztic_One> The ground
[16:33:42] <Spaztic_One> By the gods, what is that?!?
[16:33:44] <Ishi> SUDDENLY A QUEEN
[16:33:45] <Ishi> ;o
[16:33:57] <HomerDawkins> I'll get Brood War once I go over to Stonewall's House
[16:33:58] <Spaztic_One> The spring out from their burrows
[16:33:59] <HomerDawkins> :P
[16:34:03] <Spaztic_One> They
[16:34:10] <Spaztic_One> There's More of them!
[16:34:16] <Spaztic_One> By the gods!
[16:34:20] <Spaztic_One> What is this madness?!?
[16:34:35] <Spaztic_One> But
[16:34:38] <Spaztic_One> We can hold them off
[16:34:41] <Spaztic_One> We did it before
[16:34:46] <Ishi> with waffles?
[16:34:51] <Ishi> ;o
[16:34:52] <Spaztic_One> There's only 150 of them this time
[16:35:02] <Spaztic_One> not the 400+ before
[16:35:03] <HomerDawkins> All of this time
[16:35:09] <HomerDawkins> We could have been playing StarCraft
[16:35:10] <HomerDawkins> :|
[16:35:24] <Spaztic_One> Or, listening to my dramatic story
[16:35:25] <Ishi> textcraft ftw
[16:35:28] <Spaztic_One> YUS!!
[16:35:30] <Spaztic_One> =D
[16:35:34] <HomerDawkins> Aye
[16:35:50] <Spaztic_One> And yes, they did hold them off
[16:36:15] <Spaztic_One> There were only three marines, a medic, and a firebat left after the suprise attack
[16:36:18] <HomerDawkins> Why does Blizzard have to be like this
[16:36:23] <HomerDawkins> AHHHH
[16:36:32] <Spaztic_One> and then the ground started rumbling
[16:36:45] <HomerDawkins> Nvm
[16:36:56] <Spaztic_One> Stampede!
[16:37:00] <HomerDawkins> Im just going to get it next time I hit Wal-Mart
[16:37:03] <Spaztic_One> No
[16:37:07] <Spaztic_One> Not a stampede
[16:37:23] <Spaztic_One> The zerglings mighty cousin
[16:37:29] <Spaztic_One> the dreaded ultralisk
[16:37:38] <Spaztic_One> and, wait, what was that sound
[16:37:41] <Spaztic_One> OH NO!
[16:37:47] <HomerDawkins> Does the Expansion still have updates coming out?
[16:38:03] <Spaztic_One> WE SCREWED MAN SCREWED!
[16:38:27] <Spaztic_One> and then they got trampled by the ultralisk, cause they were too stupid to stop screaming about how screwed they were.
[16:38:33] <Spaztic_One> the end
[16:38:34] <Spaztic_One> =D

Yeah, I got bored, so I whuped up a StarCraft story. Then I got bored with it, so it ended under the calloused feet of an ultralisk.
Be careful...
...we're watching.
<lancer_c> saluations Psy-T
* @Psy-T ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
<lancer_c> fine then
<lancer_c> because I got mosier here
<lancer_c> and he is always there for me
<lancer_c> right mosier?
<lancer_c> ....right?
* lancer_c quickly makes a cardboard cutout resembling what could be a person if you squint hard enough.
* lancer_c adds a smiley face and eyes to the cardboard cutout.
<lancer_c> I thought you left
<lancer_c> but you are here and that is what matters
<lancer_c> I don't know what I would have done if you left
<lancer_c> I might have gone crazy
<lancer_c> haha, just think.
<lancer_c> me
<lancer_c> crazy
* lancer_c removes the head of the cardboard cutout.
<lancer_c> sorry buddy let me get that
* lancer_c duct tapes the head back to the cardboard cutout.
<lancer_c> good as new!
Last edited by lancer_c; Aug 24, 2008 at 09:55 AM.
[16:26:08] <Spaztic_One> Vigi
[16:26:08] <Spaztic_One> lol
[16:39:09] <Vigilante> Spaz
[16:39:09] <Vigilante> olo
[16:39:19] <Spaztic_One> Vigi
[16:39:20] <Spaztic_One> lol
[16:39:29] <Vigilante> Spaz
[16:39:30] <Vigilante> olo
[16:39:35] <Spaztic_One> Vigi
[16:39:36] <Spaztic_One> lol
[16:39:41] <Vigilante> Spaz
[16:39:42] <Vigilante> olo
[16:39:46] <Spaztic_One> Vigi
[16:39:46] <Spaztic_One> lol
[16:39:53] <Vigilante> Spaz
[16:39:54] <Vigilante> olo
[16:39:58] <Spaztic_One> Vigi
[16:39:58] <Spaztic_One> lol
[16:40:00] <Vigilante> Spaz
[16:40:01] <Vigilante> olo
[16:40:08] <Spaztic_One> Vigi
[16:40:09] <Spaztic_One> lol
[16:40:10] <Vigilante> Spaz
[16:40:11] <Vigilante> olo
Be careful...
...we're watching.