Original Post
Client Torishop Issue(Bug)
Client Torishop is showing options no longer on the torishop(website), item was Kickin' Kicks. User tried to buy it and it came up with the error "undefined purchase error".

After taking a look I assumed it was removed from not having any spawned but didn't get updated client side. User said he was on the newest update of toribash but when I looked I didn't see the item in question.

Would post the screenshots but he was taking them from he mobile phone and they are quite impossible to make out.

Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure
Kickin' Kicks pack is available in shop, see the Full Toris section. Item purchasing works too, so the issue is likely to be server relatated rather than game client. Can't say much else without knowing other details (user's name, game client version they were using etc).