Original Post
I think it's a pretty cool idea!
So I've recently returned from a long break from Toribash, and since I've returned I have been playing a whole bunch. This is a video of the first replay I made in about 4-5 years. Making this video gave me a really good idea to start making a lot more like it.
Basically they're short, high resolution, well framed Toribash replays. (Emphasis on short) I would probably make them once or twice daily, provided I am able to produce that much high quality content.
The reason I am posting here is firstly to show this short video off but secondly to see if anyone would be interest in actually watching them!
I appreciate any constructive criticism/hate/compliments.

Here'es the video.
the camera angle was pretty bad, lot of empty space, the replay wasnt the greatest i saw either, no effects, it just look like you launched fraps and filmed a replay , i can do that too.
try to have the camera focusing really on the player, and find better quality replays.
EDIT: you made that replay in 4-5 years ? dayum, i make a better one in 20 min
^No need to be mean bro, everyone starts somewhere. And I'm pretty sure he meant that it was the first replay he has made since last playing toribash 4-5 years ago.
Well, my only criticism is the bad camera angle tbh,
I mean the move wasn't top notch, but, thats easily something you can improve on.
Keep making the videos.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Thanks for the tips guys!
I've made better replays in my time, I have to admit. IT might be easier if I used other peoples replays!
Also the lack of effects is intentional, because I want to take a minimal approach, hence my using one of my most minimal songs.
when I have time, I will make more.
If you guys would like to donate replays it would be a lot easier!

Again, thanks for the tips