Original Post
READ: Fluff Membership
I have recently sent this message out to all members of Fluff:
Hello! You have received this message because whether you know it or not, you are a member of the clan Fluff. This message is to ensure that you are still aboard our happy crew. You will be given 1 week to respond to this message or you will be placed on the "inactive members" list requiring you to re-apply for membership.

The following members of Fluff could not be reached through the forum PM service. If you have contact with these members, please inform them of this message.

Komah, Akito, Spartan, Jono_Dude

This has been a Fluff announcement. Have a nice day!
If you can find Komah, Akito, Spartan, or Jono_Dude please notify them. We are doing this "clean-out" to keep only active members and so we may recruit others.
Re: READ: Fluff Membership
Komah and Akito are quite often on the servers playing, but ive not seen much of Spartan or Jono_dude since they joined. You probably cant sent messages to them becuase they changed their names at some point...
you might be able to find what their origional names were, and send it to those
<( O )>
Re: READ: Fluff Membership
Okay, well its been a week and a few days from the post date, so you have all had plenty of time to respond.
The following people have permanent positions in Fluff:
Capt_Zeroth (me!)
VOX di volo

The following people have responded:
Citizen Snips

The following people have not responded:
Those who have not responded will be put on the "In-active Members" list, requiring them to re-apply for Fluff membership. We are doing this to root out the members that just take up space, and keep those that help. This way, me add more active members. If any one has any actions to this movement, please speak now.
Re: READ: Fluff Membership
Originally Posted by Cevius
nope. Its all shiny captain. good work

Disuse of commas makes that list a (still gramatically incorrect) shiny captain.
