Original Post
Rhom. Cage Release!
Hi Guys!

I made another mod, this time, competitive, so all of you can challenge your inner hokage and beat eveyone up in this crazy Rhombicuboctahedron. Don't worry sparrers and tricksters, I though of you too!
This mod comes with two versions, the competitive mode I mentioned above, or a calmer, more cooperative sparring/tricking mode.

A brief explanation on the mod.

The competitive mod is named rhom_cage, rhom coming from Rhombicuboctahedron, a 26 faced polyhedron. However, this one's hollow if you didn't use common sense.
The competitive mod has 25 Turn Frames and 375 Match Frames, sumarizing it, there's 15 turns. Both dismemberment and fracture threshold are 100, the reaction time is 30 seconds, you can grab the walls too, and... what makes this mod so special is... theres no gravity!

"So we're basically stuck in a hollow 26 sided polygon?"
- You may be asking yourself. Yes, you are!

More of the sparring/tricking mod now, it's the same Rhombicub- I give up, you get it right? The turn frames are now 10, and the match frames are 750, for a brief challenging spar.

OK! OK! Less talking more showing right?

Preview :: Screenshots

Preview :: GIFS

Summing up this presentation mod release, I'd like to thank Gnaww for helping me out with the quality GIFs. Special props to that sweet lad! Hopefully you, reading this right now, will like this mod I've made.

EDIT:: Added new faster version.
Attached Files
rhom_sparring_cage.tbm (19.6 KB, 26 views)
rhom_cage.tbm (19.6 KB, 17 views)
rhom_demo.rpl (352.7 KB, 7 views)
rhom_cage_faster.tbm (22.1 KB, 10 views)
rhom_sparring_cage_faster.tbm (22.1 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by Halu; Jul 5, 2018 at 09:21 PM.
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
awesome concenpt, Rhombicuboctahedron, how do you even pronounce that
fimmy toribsah discorD DECAPgo be on fire somewhere elseₜₕₑ fᵢᵣetck listener
The replays really are good looking and give an impression that this mod is the funnier thing to play competitively but while testing this mod and seeing the results that came out with it I would it gets really boring and dull once you get in the air you may have to wait a long time to make another move.

At least for me, this makes the mod way more frustrating to play, so I would recommend to make toris a little faster (lighter or stronger), but not to a point where the first to move/hit the opponent shatters him
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

The competitive mod was build so you used the turns strategically and know when to jump & strike, but sometimes things need to loosen up and be a little bit more fun to play.

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
...and seeing the results that came out with it I would it gets really boring and dull once you get in the air you may have to wait a long time to make another move.

At least for me, this makes the mod way more frustrating to play...

And in that sense I do agree with you, the mod needs a funnier side to it, so I've changed the tori speed a little bit on both mods to around 1.5x stronger.

I added both of them to the OP.
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Absolutely sick. You know I'm going to be sparring in this after work. Nice job!
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Originally Posted by Haluejah View Post
The competitive mod was build so you used the turns strategically and know when to jump & strike, but sometimes things need to loosen up and be a little bit more fun to play.

And in that sense I do agree with you, the mod needs a funnier side to it, so I've changed the tori speed a little bit on both mods to around 1.5x stronger.

I added both of them to the OP.

by the way any criticism from me is about competitive mode, sparring in this is already sick. But even if you could add speed in sparring mode would make things better because when I saw your replay I was sickened with the slow motion moves but when you set 2x speed looks really awesome
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

i was just talking with some guys about doing something similar - this is a super cool mod

personally, i think some things could be improved - some of the line intersections could be cleaner, and i'd prefer the lines to be thinner ( although i realize that the thicker lines are also making the intersections look better ) just for increased visibility inside of it.

if you're worried about time suspended in air, you can also increase both the bounce and the friction of the walls. if i were to have made the mod, i probably would have made it low or zero grav, and made friction something around 95,000 - 102,000, and bounce around 0.9 - 0.98. Lower gravity allows players to make full use of the shape you've created - they can actually make use of the ceiling and upper walls, the bounce change increases the force they retain/gain by kicking off of any of the surfaces ( more force = moving across the 'dojo' more quickly, reducing the amount of time between contact on surfaces and thus airtime ), and the friction makes it so you can properly kick off of a surface before bouncing off of it. This is a trick I've employed in most of my mods set in closed off dojos and boxes, and it works really well.

but seriously, actually doing this was a herculean task and it looks super cool. awesome job
Originally Posted by pouffy View Post
i was just talking with some guys about doing something similar - this is a super cool mod

personally, i think some things could be improved - some of the line intersections could be cleaner, and i'd prefer the lines to be thinner ( although i realize that the thicker lines are also making the intersections look better ) just for increased visibility inside of it.

if you're worried about time suspended in air, you can also increase both the bounce and the friction of the walls. if i were to have made the mod, i probably would have made it low or zero grav, and made friction something around 95,000 - 102,000, and bounce around 0.9 - 0.98. Lower gravity allows players to make full use of the shape you've created - they can actually make use of the ceiling and upper walls, the bounce change increases the force they retain/gain by kicking off of any of the surfaces ( more force = moving across the 'dojo' more quickly, reducing the amount of time between contact on surfaces and thus airtime ), and the friction makes it so you can properly kick off of a surface before bouncing off of it. This is a trick I've employed in most of my mods set in closed off dojos and boxes, and it works really well.

but seriously, actually doing this was a herculean task and it looks super cool. awesome job

Thanks for the notice, but the intersections are totally messed up and at this point if I were to fix them all it would take a lot of patience and it would be a huge time killer.

As for the air time, I believe it's acceptable.
In the sparring version, you're looking for good launchers, so air time is only wasted if the launcher was bad. For the competitive version I feel like it's more on the mechanics and the way you use decide to jump.
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar