Original Post
Introducing Professional Mixed Martial Arts. A Moderately Moddified version of judo.
The concept of Pro-MMA is that the turn frames are set to 15, gravity set to 9.86, and match frames are set to 120, also the decap ratio is set to 100 like judo.
How to win
There are multiple ways to win, one being to push/knock them out of the dojo. the second way being completely destroying them into pieces.

How to Play/Get it
download the mod in the attachments or set the mod in game rules to "pro-mma.tbm"
Attached Files
pro-mma.tbm (678 Bytes, 18 views)
You do know that everything you have changed can be changed in the game options?

its not really a mod if I or anyone else can turn judo in to this exact setup in around 10 seconds or less without using any editor,
You have basically just uploaded your options preferences for judo.
- Blu -
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Agree with blun7y. Don't wanna hate but I think this is far too similar to mods like TK or ErthTK.

I know I know. I accept the fate. this was around my 4-5th mod, I'm still learning, maybe you can teach me odlov.
Originally Posted by DelUxed View Post
I know I know. I accept the fate. this was around my 4-5th mod, I'm still learning, maybe you can teach me odlov.

Just try to change more things so as to make it more distinct from TK or other public mods. Maybe change gravity? Set dm/fracture higher? Mess with joint strengths or velocities? Mess with the weights or shapes of body parts? Alter points? Add some environmental objects? Many things you could do to give a mod distinct flavor.