Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Project] We be moving again.
Ok, I'm sure a lot of you guys remember what we were like back as a [DsC] and when we were still new-ish.

Well I obviously made way to many mistakes(quitting then coming back after I realized the clan was going down the drain), and now we are barely off a death track. So, list of things to do:

Ingame Recruitment - I've been opposed to this since we became a DsC, well it's time to try it again.

Video - This one isn't getting brushed off.

Events - itachi and hygen will be getting started on this soon.

Post replays, no requirements just post them if you think they are good.

anyway, when my laptop comes back from laptop hospital Ill dig up my awesome replays....k?
Something about busses:D
Originally Posted by DjFishcake View Post
And Kyou's making the video? If not, we shouldn't even consider it.

I got a new comp so I can get Sony Vegas again now.
Heya, I could do some in-game recruitment.

Its just that In-game people aren't on the forum and forum users don't play Tb much...

Say the word and i'll change gears to rape.
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)
How dumb do you think we are? I always ask "are you active on the forums" then they say no and I say gtfo. Simple as that..
[11:03] <Murmayder> I AM A WALRUS
but when people think they are active and post like once a week..... watdo?

well, if you are looking to recruit them check their forum shi----owait, you need prime to do it -.-
Something about busses:D