Original Post
Us Outside Toribash.
Basically, we tell something about ourselves outside TB. I'll start:

Age: 14
Profile: 5''4, brown eyes, kinda brownish hair, "athletic" build as they say

What can I tell ya? I'm just quite your average student. Nothing much going on in my life, just a few competitions here and there which are great excuses for skipping class xD I like to play the guitar though I suck balls, read books and doing really stupid things. Also, I'm a "sarcastic bastard" as my classmates put it. It's true though. They say I'm quite smart too, which is a waste since I'm lazy as hell.
Age: 14
Height: :O no clue but shorther then mister taller then my parents.
Eyes: Brown
Build: Sterotypical ub3r skinny

Well yeah I'm a pretty lazy guy, although i make an ultimate goalie in soccer :v. My friend's say im funnier outside of school :O I'm pretty smart i get A's for programming and almost and A for ITE( damn you you B++ D
I get B's for most things though.
Proper one now:
Age: 14
Height: 166 cm
Eyes: Blue-Green
Build: Medium height, broad shoulders
Hair: Brown, semi long

I am an extremly sarcastic asswhole who enjoys to piss people off.
I mostly get B's an A's and i am smarter than you.
I play some sport (i:e Soccer, Grid1ron!)
Since i am usually bored in class i sometimes skip some classes.
I used to play the Piano, but then i got bored because it was more like a memory game for me than it was for skill.
Grew up in the rough suburbs of Melbourne (Sunshine) untill i moved to Queensland when i was 8.
Uhhh.... My name is Jack.
And uhh, yeah. Thats it. Now you post your details.
Well Jack wanted me to post so... here goes... :S

Age: 13
Height: Um, i dunno, like, 155cm or so
Eyes: Brown
Build: Slim, short
Hair: Black, short

Basically, i'm really lazy, love procrastinating.

People think i'm smart, but i don't think that i am :\ I don't really put any effort into my schoolwork, so i get terrible grades, and my teachers hate me. So C's and D's for me! \o/ I used to get great grades though.

I play a really wide range of sports, soccer, basketball, rugby (and i'm not crap at them \o/)

I KNOW HOW to play a bunch of instruments, but i don't really play any of them like, as a hobby or anything. I know how to play guitar, piano and air guitar :D

Living in canberra right now, and everythings pretty sweet.

YoungBl00d = Matt


Last edited by YoungBl00d; Oct 15, 2008 at 01:23 PM.
Co Leader of Hell-Razor
Oh gog here goes. This pic is 3 or 4 years old at my Soccer grand final. (which we lost) Red spraypaint in my hair btw
Some sick pedo is gonna track me down now.
Last edited by Jim; Oct 16, 2008 at 07:27 AM.
I'm not in Phantom, but I figure you might want to know a bit about me.

I'm 16, a game addict, I smoke cigs, quit pot, and I'm currently in college for web design (and failing)

oh yea, and a pic of me (taken today)(big)
Former Item Forger
I'm not in phantoms but I'm in HellRazors so

My name is Pekka Hyvärinen.
I'm 16 year old,
born at 31.10.1991(Halloween).
my height is 175 cm.
i live in Finland.
my eye color is kind of blue and green and my
the right-eye lens looks like a keyhole.
my hair color is blond(almost).
i dunno am i game addict or something.
I'm learning to be a house-builder.
Last edited by S3D; Oct 23, 2008 at 01:27 PM.
Mah DA
❒Single ❒Taken ✔Dubstep