It won't let you do that, you need 20,000 qi to receive the item if transferred.


So fast at answering questions I can answer them before they're even asked. Only a custom belt could be this awesome.
Last edited by Snook; May 2, 2015 at 03:02 AM.
Original Post
what happens when..?
What happens when you give a have a custom belt account and you send your 'Custom Belt' using 'Transfer Items' to a lower belt?

You can't send the Belt title to anyone since it's staticly printed to you if you have bought it.

And for 20k qi items and whatever you can't sell them or send them to a person if he/she doesn't have the qi that is required
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
I'm pretty sure ocean or someone had a no-qi custom belt, through TSA friends or something.
It just changes your belt title, like it should do.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

I think it doesnt work even if you have it, but you aren't custom belt.

Apathetic User
It works if you have it, you simply need to be real good friends with a TSA or you need 20k qi or you need to hack toribash.
3rd option sounds good dcsigs.

It's kind of un fair by being friends with a TSA you could ask for a belt title.
I need one o.o
This won't happen. Don't bother TSAs.
You can only get custom belt title when you have 20k qi. Whoever has it below 20k qi had special circumstances which will not apply to you (whoever reads it). Question answered, closing thread.

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