Original Post
[A] Phantom Head

Starting bid: 500 TC
Buyout: 3000 TC
Artist: Me
Ends: 24 hours after last bid or buyout
Resolution: 512, works with all
Min Raise: 100 TC
only accepting TC
no offense, but the head sux i will buy for a min of 200 if nobody else buys

User was warned. That's not how auctions work. ~Meamme0
Last edited by Meamme0; May 29, 2012 at 09:21 AM.
Originally Posted by kevbot View Post
no offense, but the head sux i will buy for a min of 200 if nobody else buys

This is a useless post. You don't even have the head texture item, and you are bidding under the starting bid. Reported.

User was infracted. Useless post. ~Meamme0
Last edited by Meamme0; May 29, 2012 at 09:21 AM.