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If anyone knows how to program, what would you recommend as a good language to start with? As in which one should someone learn first?
Proud member of Pandora
Hmm, I've been looking at C#, Cocoa, and Python so far. Still not sure what to learn first. And Brubert knows programming?
Proud member of Pandora
I've done a bit of c++ in highschool and on my own. Though I didn't get to a very high level prolly because of my laziness. Even so if you have questions or whatever I will try to answer them and help you if possible.

To me c++ has been extremely easy to learn so far. It just seems so intuitive to me. I tried Python and Visual C and they seem pretty ok as well. I suggest you learn the language that YOU think is the best for you, making your decision based on what type of programming you want to do and on how many resources are there for that language.
Proud member of [Pandora]
I think I'm going to go and try to learn C#. Only thing is, I'm on a mac, but I think I'll do it with Mono.
Proud member of Pandora
Personally I've tried Python, Ruby, Pascal, Basic, C++, Java and Assembly.
Of those languages I would probably recommend C++ since it's relatively easy to learn and is very widely used in the entire software industry. Java can be slightly easier to learn, but also has a lot of limitations and isn't nearly as powerful.
I have a friend who mostly uses C# and according to him it's a lot like C++ but is an evolved version of it. So I'd guess that C# is a bit harder but is more powerful than C++. C#, if I'm not mistaken, was developed by Microsoft, and probably works better with Windows than any other OS.
Pascal and Basic aren't really used much any more since they're both very old and outdated. They are both very simple.
Ruby and Python aren't used much for actual programming, they are more common as scripting languages. But they can be quite easy to learn.
Don't even bother with Assembly, as it is used to program microcontrollers and microprocessors, and has pretty much no use in the software industry.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
So, I've watched about 40 Java tutorials on youtube and it seems like it is very simmilar to c++ as well. I might learn it in parallel with c++ because it seems like a nice language to know. The syntax is ~75% the same (like with Python, Visual C and probably C# as well) so it won't be too hard to learn.

So kaddon, it doesn't really matter where you start from since you can switch the languages at a later time and still keep lots from your first language. Just learn the one that seems to be easier to learn for you. And as Brubert said, c++ is fairily easy to learn and it's pretty powerful as well, so it would be a nice place to start from.
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