Original Post
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
I'm talking about the one that was on the bottom of the forum

It was removed as to not discourage new players I believe
"I want you to punt my dog!" ~ Karbn
it wasnt removed no one has been online for 4 weeks, we are living in a farse
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
I see it just fine at the bottom on the OG forum layout. But on the newer one it's not there.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Mainly because it doesn't really bring any value - seeing the other 5 people that are logged in and online doesn't exactly improve forum usage experience. It was removed for the modern forum skins about half a year ago or so, shortly before the new staff list.
i miss seeing the total games played n shit at the top of the forum, i liked it
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Mainly because it doesn't really bring any value - seeing the other 5 people that are logged in and online doesn't exactly improve forum usage experience. It was removed for the modern forum skins about half a year ago or so, shortly before the new staff list.

hundreds of guests = "5 people" smh .. you're so negative
Originally Posted by ETIQUETTE View Post
hundreds of guests = "5 people" smh .. you're so negative

he means uhh.. logged in i think i dont like using old theme
also sir, while you're here, can i ask when you'll update the rest of the pages to the newer theme
bike is the best emoji. never remove
aka trollface person