Original Post
Why do Bronies exist please tell me?
Ok as you all know I'm kind of an asshole so admins will probably be wanting to remove this just cause I posted it but I have a genuine topic of discussion. K so, the question is why is there this growing fan base of my little pony Before you tell me to watch it, fuck that I'm not watching a show for 5 year old girls, but please tell me why?! It just seems so weird and unnatural someone please give some logic to it so I don't freak out at the absurdity.
Yes but why do they have to make normal people shit into gay pony shit? I can't tell you how many times I've been called "every pony" I'm not a fucking pony I'm a human
Actually they are just expressing something they all like, its not really gay, lesbian, or anything like that. Its just how some people are and you have to put up with it or just ignore it.
In all honesty you shouldent segregate people just because they like a cartoon

In all they are people. Just like you
|Ellie|Sparchar|Jack.M|Spartacraft (Forever shunned)|RossBarker|@#w#@|
ask siku about bronies

and bronies are just silly people who like silly ponies
my friend watches it for the 'plot'

don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
i'm not a brony, but it seems like this thread was created for you to complain about how bronies have displeased you rather than having an actual discussion.
for the same reason juggalos exist

no one really knows but it's fucking strange as fuck
Ancient [Evil]