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Why do you game, and what do you play, and how much do you play?

After reading some massive discussion on Gamasutra about Elitism, I decided to find out what everyone plays

Stay a while, and listen! And answer me these questions three times three;
  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?
  6. What do you think of elitism?
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?
  9. Anything else you can think of?

Personally I play a lot of games, and change often. Most days I play 3-5 games, but I swap out a lot. Yesturday I played Minecraft, The Path, Warcraft 3, SC2 and Magicka. I prefer to play for a neat story or experience, like in The Path, but I play a lot for social reasons, like Minecraft and Warcraft 3, both of which I am part of large active communities that I have a lot of friends in. But I also like to keep up with the latest games, and find new games that have different styles of gameplay (which is also why I play WC3 custom maps), like Magicka. SC2 I play for social reasons, and because it's like realtime futuristic space chess (in my mind at least), and who doesn't want that?
I never have been able to play 1 game religiously, the way some people play CoD or WoW. Neither have I really been able to get in to MMOs, although I have played Aion, Warhammer Online, WoW. I guess GuildWars is the exception, that was hella fun.

Also, I generally look down on people who have a small scope of games, I feel that variety is the spice of life, and lifes gotta be hella spicey to be good.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
1) I play a game until I get bored of it, then I go get another one and play that. Occasionally i'll have a few that i'm playing at once, alternating between them as I see fit.
2) Usually FPS, RPG and the occasional RTS.
3) Just for fun. When friends play with me it becomes competitive though
4) The story + gameplay are what do it for me.
5) I look down on hype-lovers, Xbox fanboys who do anything to badmouth other consoles, and generally people who boast and are basically jerks online. I consider myself to be a gamer. (I have an Xbox360 myself, but you don't see me being an ass about it. Note I also have a PS3 and i'm not an ass about that either.)
6) Elitism? Eh... so long as they're happy with what they're doing and don't end up being any of my answers to #5
7) Games as entertainment > Games as art. Although a mixture of both is really nice.
8.) Fuck Facebook games. Waste of time, effort (if any) and most importantly - email inbox space. Flash games like the ones found at Newgrounds or Armor games or your preferred site are all good though.
9) MMORPGs ruined my friend's life. The only time I would play one was if I didn't have to pay a monthly fee and have the game consist of clicking things to do everything. (e.g. Want more Fallout 3/Oblivion style control system).
Massive free-roaming FPS with RPG elements would be boss.
Last edited by 4zb41; Jan 28, 2011 at 06:20 AM.
1. I "try" to play as many games as I can, but usually I have a main game I fall back on no matter what. TF2 is the current one

2. FPS mainly. I enjoy RPGs but I just don't have time for them. The theme really doesn't matter to me as long as the game is good.

3. Just for fun. I try not to take games seriously.

4. I do like good graphics, but at the same time I don't cry over bad graphics, or not being able to play a game with all settings turned to max.
Story means nothing to me in 9/10th's of the games I play. It's nice to have a story, but it's not a deal-breaker for most games. Of course I do enjoy a good story based game every so often, but like i said earlier with RPGs, I dont have enough time to devote to it. If I have a finite amount of time to play a game, I would rather actually play than watch cut-scenes etc. If I wanted a good story I would watch a movie or read a book.
Obviously gameplay is the most important aspect of a game, so that's a given.

5. I consider myself to be a gamer, and I think the gamers I enjoy playing with most are ones who are looking to enjoy themselves without being a total ass. There are the completely serious people who will rage at you if you don't go straight to an objective or heal a teammate. They are annoying in non-competitive games where we are just looking to have fun. There are also the annoying trolls who are looking to just cause trouble in servers by fucking around and being jerks. I cant stand them either. Then of course there are the "OMG NOOB TUBE FAGGOT" kinds of players who are probably more annoying than the first 2 combined.

6. Simple. Don't tell me how good you are and how much I suck, prove it to me.

7. Art can be entertainment also. People who bitch about games as not being either are stupid elitists who don't like anything new.

8. Some people don't have time to get good at games like COD, or are just too old or something. Nothing wrong with casual games. Most of my family love to play games like peggle and Plants Vs Zombies. I enjoy them too. Different tastes

9. People have to fucking stop complaining about how bad certain games are in comparison to ones they may like. I don't fucking care that you think mmos are stupid and you don't enjoy them, cause I do. I don't fucking care that you think Bad Company 2 is better than Call of Duty. I play and enjoy both. Learn that people have different opinions about things and shutup.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?
I usually play a game for a while then move on to another.

What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?
FPS-Modern if I'm on the PC.
RPG if i'm on the XBOX or PS3.
Tekken if I'm at the arcade. :D

Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?

Just for fun, to pass the time and competition if pugging/clan warring counts as competition.

Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?

I like all...?

What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?

I hate all the Xbox fanboys or those other people who badmouth about the games I play. Yes, I do consider myself as a gamer.

What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?
Hard question, but it really depends which game it is. Is it a game with godly graphics? Is it a game that's really fun? Or is it both?
'Games as art' if I HAD to choose.

What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?

Meh. Plants vs Zombies is pretty fun. Zombie farm too.
  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all? I usually play a few at a time, 3 at most.
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern? I do love the futuristic RPG such as Mass Effect and Dead Space series, but the other stand outs that I have liked such as Bioshock, Little Big Planet.
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun? I just play for fun like they're meant to in my opinion.
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience? I loved Dead space on all four of those stated, But I go for most on the story, gameplay and experience.
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? I look down on games such as fifa, they basically just do updates on players now I've noticed, I don't bother with them. And I don't really consider myself to much of a gamer
  6. What do you think of elitism? Not fond of it, I really take no notice of people gloating, I'm only there for the experience of it all.
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'? It can be a bit of both but I prefer games as art.
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)? Cannot say, haven't played them and don't plan on it either.
  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them? I play alot of games dua to my work in Vgames [Administrate the game servers.
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern? Pretty much all kind of shit.
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun? All three and more
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience? Same ^
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? Thats part of my job so yeah.
  6. What do you think of elitism? Poo
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'? I'm having an hard time looking at some games at art. But it easy to see some of the inside gameplay as it is. Textures, good story etc..
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)? Poo
  9. Anything else you can think of? Like wut
Pew pew pew
Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?
I rent everything for a week, I keep the ones that I enjoyed. There are only 2 games that I can say I never got tierd of though, and those are Oblivion and CSS.

What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?
I play everything, but I'll go after the medievals and futuristics first. FPSs are cool and all but nowadays most of them are the fucking same. RPGs are pretty similar too, divinity, gothic, two worlds, the few different ones generally kick ass. I like strategy games like Ruse or Caesar 4. Controlling stuff is awesome.

Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?
Hate competition. Either the adversaries suck major ass like CoD's case, or they are nolifing the shit out of the game like HoN. Either way, I do videogames as a hobby.

Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?
I thought DA's gameplay wasn't the most enjoyable one out there, the graphics weren't to die for either, but the storyline got me so into the game that it's currently one of my favorite games. I guess you could say I value the storyline way more than anything.

What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?
A gamer is a gamer, it's not my business what kind of game that person enjoys. I'm usually disappointed that some people think the only videogame out there is CoD or Halo and have no idea about the OTHER amazing games, but oh well, I can live with it. I consider myself a casual gamer, I don't enjoy competing or being the best, instead I try getting the most enjoyable experience from a game by alternating gameplay tactics.

What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?
Both please. :<
I like a nice view and dynamic explosions as much as I like witty remarks and an engaging storyline. Can't really pick since any game without either one of them tends to be shit.

What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?
I currently play grepolis, which should fit in that category pretty well. I login like once a day and send my army in a killing spree. It's alright.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Also Gorman I meant to ask, when you say "games as art" do you mean games which are somewhat like interactive artwork (like fl0w for example) or are you talking about the graphics looking really nice?
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post

After reading some massive discussion on Gamasutra about Elitism, I decided to find out what everyone plays

Stay a while, and listen! And answer me these questions three times three;
  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all?
    I play what ever games I think I'll like. I have 62 on steam, but I've played much more. Both from cds and from torrents
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern?
    Anything that I like. I've liked at least 1 in all of those, so anything :P.
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun?
    Sometimes I like competition but in other games like "Garry's Mod" I play for fun or competition in that too.
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience?
    I guess the experience, I mean it all depends on how much I like the game and usually it requires great gameplay and as long as it has that, the graphics can be shitty.
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer?
    I don't consider myself to be a gamer I know I play some form of a video game every day but not as much as a "gamer" would. I look down on console gamers that think they are superior and laugh the pc off as not a real gaming machine.
  6. What do you think of elitism?
    Main account is an Oldschooler and I act like an elitist mostly for trololols so I think elitism is fine as long as you don't mean console war elitsm.
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'?
    I think games can be either one. There's some artful games on the ps3 that are meant for like just enjoying it and there's almost no gameplay.
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)?
    I don't use Facebook, never have, but I like some casual games.
  9. Anything else you can think of?
    I don't play games as much as I used to but I still play them everyday

answers in bold etc.
  1. Do you play just 1 game? Or a few? Or do you amass games and play them all? I'm actually playing 5 games.
  2. What genres do you play? Action? RPG? RTS? FPS? Futuristic? Medieval? Modern? Mostly FPS, MPS, and MMORPG.
  3. Do you play for competition? To pass the time? Just for fun? Just for fun.
  4. Do you like graphics? The story? The gameplay? The experience? Graphics and Gameplay.
  5. What kind of gamers do you look down on? Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? I do not consider myself a gamer.
  6. What do you think of elitism? Idk.
  7. What do you think of 'games as art' vs 'games as entertainment'? Entertainment.
  8. What do you think of casual games, like Farmville (and any other Facebook game)? Shit.
  9. Anything else you can think of? Nope.