They're probably doing updates to the torishop.
I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash
Originally Posted by Typhon View Post
They're probably doing updates to the torishop.

i'd guess so, was trying to sell some stuff
Originally Posted by Elite View Post
i'd guess so, was trying to sell some stuff

You can still sell stuff on the forum, you jsut can't look up prices ;)
Originally Posted by Kriegery View Post
You can still sell stuff on the forum, you jsut can't look up prices ;)

can't access 'send items' or 'send toricredits' lol
Originally Posted by Elite View Post
can't access 'send items' or 'send toricredits' lol

When it first said down for maintenance i could still click on sending items/tc

Originally Posted by Kriegery View Post
When it first said down for maintenance i could still click on sending items/tc


I just hope it goes back up soon.
I feel like its something to do with the recent glitching of tc by ezalor and they're patching it or changing something
Originally Posted by Argxs View Post
I feel like its something to do with the recent glitching of tc by ezalor and they're patching it or changing something

What tc glitching?