Original Post
I got hacked :(
i recently got scammed 6k for full body clan textures and got hacked probably by the same guy, for another 6k.

what am i to do?!?
When he says he got scammed on textures, this is what he means:

oldbean stole my entire textures set from the custom file and sold it to glacierman for 7k...
well, he had 6132 credits. Now he has 0 credits if you click his player statistics thing. 6132 credits (everything he had) were sent to oldbean, the same person who stole my textures to sell to glacierman, which he sent in a .rar file that could have easily had a keylogger. Sure as hell sounds like a hacking to me.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
Originally Posted by ramenlover View Post

transaction history.


Dear god, what was the meaning of that post?
Congrats you can copy and paste a link out of comment and say what it is?

And to make this post worth-while
You need undeniable proof, or get an admin to look into it for you, Juntalis has always been one to investigate stuff in my eyes.
Also explain a bit better what went down, you got hacked? or scammed for textures, or both?
the god
Okay, I was there from the beginning, and was also directly involved so I will now explain everything in detail.

I got a PM from RiseAgainst telling me somebody named dannyh was using my textures. I went and found him ingame, and noticed that someone else from his clan was using my bicep texture. Also, on the back of the head it said "scream!" I asked what was going on and they said their leader (glacierman) put those on their clan site as their new clan textures. After talking to glacierman I learned that he didn't even know they were stolen. Oldbean sold him my full texture set for 6k about a week ago, then I uploaded a new head last night and this morning oldbean also sent glacierman this new head.

I asked glacierman to remove my textures from his site and also for his members to remove him. Everybody kindly obliged. Then we decided to confront oldbean on MSN. Suddenly oldbean said "fuck off" and logged off. Then glacierman's computer started getting all messed up and he did a virus scan on the .rar file oldbean sent him my textures in and found that it contained a trojan. He immediately jumped online and found that all his Toricredits (just over 6k) had already been sent to Oldbean, and it was too late. Then his computer started fucking up BAD and his explorer.exe file started going out, and his whole computer crashed. About an hour later he managed to recover it and fix things and get back on.

So there you have it, the WHOLE story.
Last edited by hidingwarior; Aug 28, 2008 at 07:01 AM.
Lol... quite pathetic what zit covered internet boys would do to take an image from someone else..
the god