Original Post
Best RPG game EVER
just want to know, i love both games so i really cant decide.

one of the game has the first 3d graphics, the other has the first ingame voice overs

Legend of the Dragoon

Final Fantasy 7
Last edited by GlacierMan; Aug 22, 2008 at 08:20 PM.
i assume you mean first in rpg terms.
either way i dont like rpgs so you know :P
I like fantasy RPGs, but only those which are more down-to-earth, like Morrowind. That is, no unnecessary effects, 8 feet swords and no female armor which only covers their private parts. I like RPG's which feel a bit more medieval.

My favorite RPG ever would have to be Mount and Blade. It's a medieval, not-fantasy RPG which has a really genuine feel of European Dark Ages.
Last edited by Odlov; Aug 22, 2008 at 08:41 PM.
Originally Posted by GlacierMan View Post
Legend of the Dragoon

Final Fantasy 7

Those are definitely two of my favorite games of all time, I have never been able to choose between them.

And yes odlov, with the expansive modset and the great community, mount & blade is another great game. But LoD and FF7 are still better.
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post

anyone else says different they are wrong, and will die the next day.

Different, they are wrong.
It makes me wonder..
*prepares for long, probably overly complex response*

In my opinion Final fantasy VII is the superior game here. But when I say that I don't mean to take anything away from The Legend of Dragoon, I only mean that pound for pound, FFVII comes out on top.

To really get the answer here you have to go back to when the games were first released. FFVII was groundbreaking on so many levels, the series always has been really, but VII was (and in my opinion still is) the high point of all FF games. The only game that compared to it before in terms of depth and enjoyment was another Square game called The Secret of Mana for SNES.

Final Fantasy VII was one of the first video games to attempt a story line of truly epic scale. It was also the first game I have knowledge of to have a character die and not reaper later in the game. At the time it was released the graphics were absolutely stunning and again, ground breaking. To top it all off the fighting system is probably the most customizable and intuitive of any role playing game EVER! In my opinion the game is simply perfect, even the dialogue is mostly great (very, very rare in early games). I still play that game on a regular basis and I have beat it inside and out multiple times. It is art. For proof look at the City of the Ancients.

The Legend of Dragoon on the other hand, while being an excellent game, was made as sort of response to FFVII. The massive, epic story dealing with character emotions and the killing off of a key character (Later replaced by someone exactly the same :/) are two dead give aways of this fact. However there was an enormousness amount of depth to the game, the world was beautiful, and the battle system was a blast once you got the hang of it. A great game, yes. Just not on par with FFVII.

you struck a nerve with this one, I honestly feel bad for not mentioning Chrono Trigger/Cross and the Ark the Lad series....yeah, Im a bit of an RPG geek.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
*prepares for long, probably overly complex response*

In my opinion Final fantasy VII is the superior game here. But when I say that I don't mean to take anything away from The Legend of Dragoon, I only mean that pound for pound, FFVII comes out on top.

To really get the answer here you have to go back to when the games were first released. FFVII was groundbreaking on so many levels, the series always has been really, but VII was (and in my opinion still is) the high point of all FF games. The only game that compared to it before in terms of depth and enjoyment was another Square game called The Secret of Mana for SNES.

Final Fantasy VII was one of the first video games to attempt a story line of truly epic scale. It was also the first game I have knowledge of to have a character die and not reaper later in the game. At the time it was released the graphics were absolutely stunning and again, ground breaking. To top it all off the fighting system is probably the most customizable and intuitive of any role playing game EVER! In my opinion the game is simply perfect, even the dialogue is mostly great (very, very rare in early games). I still play that game on a regular basis and I have beat it inside and out multiple times. It is art. For proof look at the City of the Ancients.

The Legend of Dragoon on the other hand, while being an excellent game, was made as sort of response to FFVII. The massive, epic story dealing with character emotions and the killing off of a key character (Later replaced by someone exactly the same :/) are two dead give aways of this fact. However there was an enormousness amount of depth to the game, the world was beautiful, and the battle system was a blast once you got the hang of it. A great game, yes. Just not on par with FFVII.

you struck a nerve with this one, I honestly feel bad for not mentioning Chrono Trigger/Cross and the Ark the Lad series....yeah, Im a bit of an RPG geek.

Agree, 100%.