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How much GH do I need to run toribash?
Im thinking about buying a new laptop, because my other computer just happens to be broken. BUT I need to know something. How much GH do I NEED to run toribash? I don't want to buy a laptop that can't run this game. I MUST HAVE TORIBASH. If you could aswer my question, i'd appreciate it.
I'll be honest, I have no idea what GH is... But this is the link with the system requirements for running toribash:

Also, just from my personal opinion, avoid Linux. Not the best for running toribash due primarily to all the graphic card issues and what not.
You mean GHz, yes? Any modern laptop would be able to play this game at 60 fps on low settings. No worries.

If you were looking in the neighborhood of netbooks, however, it would play, but perhaps not as well as you'd like it to.

As per what Wolfe had to say: I don't know about everyone else but I get better FPS on higher settings on Linux running WINE than Windows can normally. Perhaps I'm just lucky.
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The GHz of a CPU has almost nothing to do with its actual computational capabilities.

The CPU itself has almost nothing to do with how well your system can play video games.

A good mid-range or above graphics card from Nvidia or AMD/ATI goes a long ways towards making video games run well.
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