Limit previews to images and videos/gifs. Video and image previews must not have flame textures on them, because flame colors and behaviors may change based upon textures. Any transferral of data prior to sale may result in you being scammed. We are not responsible if you do this.

You must upload a preview without textures, or this auction will be closed.
Go into Computer, Games, Toribash 3.8, custom folder, matthieu, delete your flame partical, take a screen shot, /dl matthieu and it comes back on.
yeah thk fnugget i can't remove texture flame sorry steve do no closed this thread

can you submit picture Please
Last edited by matthieu; Jul 12, 2009 at 06:13 PM.
I'm the Puma Boy !

Sk8er, the min raise is 5k, not 1k.

Matthieu, do this to take off the partical:

Originally Posted by DecapW View Post
Go into Computer, Games, Toribash 3.8, custom folder, matthieu, delete your flame partical, take a screen shot, /dl matthieu and it comes back on.