Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[P]ower Invite-Only

Invite only at moment. Pm Kratos

Last edited by Kratos; Mar 25, 2017 at 11:32 PM.

I'm sorry, but you didn't fit the requiriments:

*2nd dan black belt
*1 year in toribash community.
Last edited by Kratos; Feb 25, 2017 at 03:26 PM.
Yawn Yawn

Hello, members of [P]ower, my name is ArmSpazz. I regret to inform you that I'll be applying today, so prepare yourself for a nonchalant application

So let's start off with who I am and what my background is. My name is Zacharee, 17 years old and a junior in high school. My school's pretty chill, but I'm not gonna say the name cause like, I don't want someone shooting it up. Anyways, I'm also on the swim team; I hold 2 records on our school board. I hold the 100 Fly with a 52.19 and I am also in the 200 Freestyle Relay. Outside of school, I do volleyball for a summer team as well as summer swimming. So since this is an "About Me" section, I might as well cover my favorite articles of clothing. I normally wear hoodies, flannels, button downs, jeans and sweat pants. In my free time I go biking and hiking, when the weather isn't going my way I'll probably be playing Team Fortress 2 and Garry's Mod. I work at my school as a lifeguard on Mondays from 5:00 to 7:45 and on Saturdays from 10:45 to 12:45. So what else... well my favorite food is Taquitos, they're so damn good. Alright, that's all you need to know about my personal life.

Toribash History

I first played in 2008 but I was too young to be able to remember my username and password so I gave up on playing the game. I wasn't good anyways, I normally clicked random joints until it looked "cool." I came back to Toribash in 2014 in hopes to solidify my place in the community. I joined a few clans, some of which I remember and some of which that slip my mind. I think my first clan that I participated in was DarkFox but I left because the owner had simply given up on the clan. The second one I forgot the name of, but I applied and then retracted my application. They were a dying clan and I hadn't known about this until later on. My third clan was Liquor, I got into the clan after three applications. The first one was denied by Raiken, the second one was denied by Kaito and my third application was accepted by Tricerafi. I left the clan only because they shit posted nonstop. They were also inactive which deeply upset me. In Liquor, I was the money man, I contributed to Tricerafi getting a name change, which he basically scammed me for. I gave him in total 100,000 TC to get a name change, but he ended up just taking it. Anyways, the servers that you can normally find me in are betting servers. I bet a tiny bit, but mostly just contribute the Decap Prize. In total, I've donated over 182,000 TC to betting servers. In my free time, I normally collect Pickles and sell them for extremely high prices. I've once amassed a total of 25,000 TC from selling 4 pickles. Anywho, enough about TC.

What can I do for the clan?

Personally, I love contributing to people to make them successful or hosting servers to simply give away TC. For me, loans don't exist. I prefer to think of it as generosity to those who have less than you. I would love to host events for the clan as well as donating to the server to help fund said events. I've recently halted clan photos, but I think I can make an arrangement to get clan photos for you guys. Besides that, I can help in clan wars to hopefully raise the already powerful...[P]ower.


As for replays, I'm currently typing this on my school computer so I have absolutely no replays. My home computer is undergoing maintenance but I'll be able to update my post and add some replays later.

Anywho, that concludes my application. Cheers.
Officially evil
Evil's Spazzy Child

Pm Kratos if you want more info.
Last edited by Kratos; Feb 27, 2017 at 05:33 PM.
Dear [P]ower members , hello !

Who am I ? (IRL)

My name is Théo Guerrini , I'm a French boy but I'm studying English at school. I'm currently 16 years old. I'm born in Nice , a famous city of the southern east coast of France. I've spent 9 years of my life in Corsica , a small french island between France and Italy , before moving to Thailand , in Pattaya ,a city on Thailand’s eastern Gulf coast known for its beaches.
Moving to Thailand helped me a lot to build my own perception of the world , and also made me discover something that turns out to be my passion , racing. Yes , I'm a racer , Karting Racer for The Royal Automobile Association Of Thailand , which is under Royal Patronage. In case you're interrested to discover a bit more about my racing history , Here is the link to my facebook page.
Unfortunately the posts are not in English , but with the translator , it may be understanding. As for study ,I'm aiming to work as a real estate developper or Interior designer. I love designing interior , and I hope I'll be good in it.

My story in Toribash :

I've started playing toribash thanks to a friend who made me discover this brilliant game. I was 10 years old , and this game was great for me ! All about creativity , creating a move , adjusting it until it gets perfect to smash uke. Just after a few days "discovering" how to handle the game , I launched myslef in the multiplayer. I was spending hours on the game and I was enjoying it more and more. Later on , I discovered the Clans , but I was not aware about the existence of a forum on the game , so I was asking to be invited , and was often rejected with "post an apply". I asked my friend what they meant with that and he explained me how to join a clan.
My first apply was at [Elite] and I got accepted. Unfortunately , I was young , and stupid. I left [Elite] quickly because I was aiming for a greater clan, [Urban] (yes I was that filled of hope).Of course , I got rejected.
I did some clan hopping , but didn't knew it was not really good , I was young and I didn't really understood the point of the clans.
My computer died suddenly , and I was forced to stop toribash for a year. When I got back on the game , I had gained in maturity a bit , so I stopped playing with clans , and focused on the social aspect of toribash. I learned a lot from the "big heads" of that time.
I joined OFRO , the french organisation of toribash , and they made me enter in [Fr_death] , the previous french clan. I evolved a lot in the forums life until the clan dies. I'm still in this organisation by the way. I then joined a few clans , but they were really too inactive for me , I was missing the social aspect of the clan. After a few "check-in" in lans , I decided to really settle in one , and I joined [JollyR].
I've waited 6 months to be accepted , but the clan was trully not what I was expecting , once again , in term of activity , we were completely inactive.At that moment , I've received a message from the founder of OFRO and offered me a place in their new clan , in which I stayed 2 years before leaving it a few hours ago. Yes , once again , I left the clan , but the reason is simple : my computer was dead , once again ,and I just got back in toribash in January , and I really wanted to play to the game intensively. During my inactivity , the clan slowly died before reaching a post a week and when I came back , no activity , nothing. that's why I left it.
I'm looking to be able to be much more active than I am today , and I try to post everyday , because I just love it , I would rate my current activity to 8/10.

Why do i want to join & What can I offer to [P]ower

I want to join [P]ower because for me , it's a very good clan that is matching with my criterions.I'm looking for a very active clan ingame , with wars and server where we can also play together. I really try to get better in toribash even tho I have a decent level for someone who did not played for long .This clan would also help me to get that activity , the one I've been looking for. Moreover , I want to settle for good and help the clan to progress in it's goals. I want tot bring activity (Even if you have that already) , some good vibes with my humour. I'm also looking to be part , in the future , of the people who made this clan getting better and reaching goals we did not expected it to reach , I believe in this clan future. I have a good reputation , never been banned or warned , I don't have enemies or people that hate me as far as I know. ^^

Replays :

Unfortunately , as I've said earlier , I have a new computer , so I lost all of my single player replays. I'm sorry. However , I can provide you some recent multiplayer replays , maybe it will help you to judge my level.
Sorry again ..

My skype : Stonda (theo2b4)

Here , my application is now done , I want to thanks you for reading until here and paying attention to it. I tried to be the most honest possible , and I hope it was good enough ^^

I'm really looking forward hearing your decision about me , have a nice day

Sincerely yours ,

Attached Files
What you gon' do.rpl (94.2 KB, 8 views)
Decap yaas.rpl (35.6 KB, 7 views)
Whipie win.rpl (66.5 KB, 3 views)
Rogue suplex.rpl (82.7 KB, 5 views)
Erty.rpl (68.2 KB, 5 views)
Power Application

Im 15 years old living in South Africa, I am doing homeschooling course which is on a higher level than local government schools. My main interests are in gaming but I'm never too busy to go out and meet with some friends. I'd say I get average marks in school 60s and 70s one or two 80s. Oh yeah, I'm in Grade 10, I am taking Maths Core, CAT (Computer Applications Technology) I.T. (Information Technology) and History.


I joined Toribash in late 2013, I've had 2 alt accounts but I've decided to return to this account as it holds the highest belt. My main talent is in Boxshu Mushu, Mushu, Wushu those variants but mostly Boxshu Mushu. Im not too bad in ABD but its not my best. I am a black belt, but i figured since I have had two other accounts the wins would equal to me having at least a 2nd dan black belt. If this will not suffice I hope I can show you my skills in Mushu.


I was previously in Fight Club, but they never really accepted me as a full member, and I was eventually kicked despite average forum and ingame activity. The thing that made Fight Club less appealing to me was the lack of communication between members. Ive looked through a few other clans including Obey, and this clan simply was the most interesting of the lot, and it seems it has what Fight Club was missing (Communication)

I hope this application will suffice, and I look forward to your reply and hopefully the in game test.

I added a few singleplayer and multiplayer replays just incase

Thank you
Attached Files
Spin Kick Trip.rpl (32.9 KB, 3 views)
Grab and Dismember.rpl (77.2 KB, 2 views)
Limit Break.rpl (54.5 KB, 2 views)
Evil Twin.rpl (24.8 KB, 2 views)
Tourney Final.rpl (60.2 KB, 2 views)
Power application
About me

So my name is Trent and I am 14 years old and in Grade 9 or form three. I'm from Jamaica the island under U.S.A and on the east of Mexico. I really enjoy there and its beaches are lit. At school I usually play football (soccer) and rugby. Anyways lets get on with the app

My history of Toribash

I actually started Toribash in 2015 back then I was just learning about it and got pretty used to the game. By sometime in July I was a Blue belt learning how to save myself from DQ's in a more advanced and easier way. Back in September I got to the brown belt just 2 days before I went to England for 6 months where I quitted toribash until I came back to Jamaica. Between the time I went to England and Jamaica I actually didnt really lack at all. Within a week I got to black belt and there I learnt how to spar and I made some really good replays however I lost them. Then I played and practiced and played until I got to 2nd dan black belt by June I think and then and there I quitted toribash on June 2016. But now I'm back and I started today and I'm not to shabby at the moment.

Why do I want to join [P]owerful and what Will I offer

I would really like to join Powerful, becuase of the creativity of this clan and the crazy war winning record. I think I will be happy to be a part of a clan who has respect and is very loyal and proud. What I would offer is taking parts in wars and helping with recruitment.

Previous clans on other account

Some previous clans were [Vibe] where I enjoyed but it got old and boring. Then there was Abyss [Ab] it was such a sick clan until it died and I will forever remember my time there. And those are some clans I can remember

Favourite Mods

Favourite mods has to be aikidobigdojo aikido and greykido. I find them interesting and it will help me practice for clan wars and other events


R.I.P replays. I dont have any replays hence the fact I lost my CyanKill account and I am starting over from alt. Anyways Thats my app <3