Original Post
Do you guys own any pet? Feel free to put image of your beloved life partner. I personally am a bird person, I own an umbrella cockatoo, and 6 lovebirds.


the beak easily break concrete, your finger is an easy prey if he's angry

Last edited by Trocher3; May 21, 2017 at 04:15 PM.
I have a dog

Rottweiler she's 4 and her birthday 16th of Feb. I was practically there when she was born , pictures later cos I'm on my phone
Her name is illumi but I call her lumi
Yeah got a wiener dog and a brown dog and i had a jack russell but she passed a few weeks back




Jack Russell

I've had shit tonsa pets

I've mostly had dogs tho

Right now I have 12 dogs
10 dachshund 1 mini pincher and 1 Labrador (a girl)
2 love birds (a boy and a girl)
2 guinea pigs
And 5 gold fishes

I've had more dogs before and I've also had a pet iguana and a pet snake before


my grandfather has 28 hunting dogs which chill in our backyard
i have 2 indoor pets
a bichon frise and a tabby cat

the bichon's name is bentley and he's 8
the tabby is named meow meow (because why not) no idea how old she is cus we found her in our backyard
My aunt has 2 great big personalities (boobies), and i love playing with them all night long
Well this is my little man, Morphy the Hedgehog


Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Zoe and Chloe

This is before we shaved Chloe again - so she looks like a mop.

we also have a cat but i dont really care

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