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More Than One 3D object?
So I recently Learned that it's possible to wear more then one hair at the same time by activating them at the same time in a set. I wondered if the same principal could be applied to 3D objects, although I've never seen someone with Multiple 3d objects im just curious about this because Ive have headphones since I started and ever since I knew shutter shades were available, I always wanted to be able to equip them with the headphones because the colors go very well with each other. if it simply isn't possible, I would like to know why that is. I've already taken a look at the item.dat and I understand it in general. But just why with hair but not with 3D objects?
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Impossible to do. You can put them both in a set and activate it, but only one will show up.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Impossible at the moment. Combining two 3d objects might recolor one of them though, i've seen black shaders for example.

If you want you can read a discussion on this problem, ye i consider it a problem, here -> http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=520994 there is a bit of explanation.
You can have more than one 3d object, but they all need to be on a different bodypart. For example, headphones, barbed wire and both getas are possible to wear at a time, since it's head, right arm, left foot and right foot.

But yeah, shutters and headphones are head and head, so it won't work.
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It will be ended up with fusing eachother

It'll made the headphone changing color to pink, or the opposite of it

Isn't this question had already asked before ?