Original Post
Hey guys.
I don't necessarily need your pity or anything... but, fuck, guys.

So I have a couple of problems going on in my life that are just stressing me out. Basically I am just looking for anyone who will pray or whatever you guys do here. I just need all of the help I can get.

Basically, it all started a week and a half ago when I found out that my grandma has type four cancer and that she has less than a year to live. Now, this wasn't a big problem at first.. Obviously dying isn't really what you call a "downgrade"... We had made plans to get together money to get her to come out one more time before she dies. My mom began frantically knitting hats to sell at an upcoming event. She had been making them a couple of weeks before she heard the news, and she now had about 50 hats to sell. The night before she was going to go, our car dies and is completely unfixable without shelling out hundreds of dollars for parts. Now, this is a big deal- we're out one car, and now all we have to rely on is my dad's two-seat work car. My mom scrambles to find a ride for the next day- someone who's willing to get up at 6 to get my mother. Luckily, she finds one. Mind you, I've been making hats and trying to fix the car this whole time this shit's going on, and I too am really hoping this works. My mom then proceeds to sell two total hats. $14. Enough to maybe afford like a three mile biplane ride in Africa. So we're all like "fuck fuck fuck well at least we have income". Just. fucking. kidding. My dad gets laid off. That means no car too, so now we can barely go anywhere in this blistering cold. Then, to make things worse, my bike tire pops and the rim breaks on the way to see my fucking mom and help her. It's 38 degrees F so I decide "fuck it" and I just have to come back. Useless and depressed.

Anyway, tl;dr bold

please send help

the only good thing that has happened is that ishi and I now live a mile from each other.
Last edited by glOw; Nov 11, 2012 at 09:15 PM.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Nope, she lives half way across America.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Not sure what that nope was directed at, but gotcha.

Just an idea is that your mom could sell her unworking vehicle for a less expensive, better functioning one. At least then you can get from place to place and finding a solution would be a bit easier.
For some reason I thought you said something to the effect of "does your grandma live close to you"

This car works great, it's just got an issue that's taking a while to figure out. It's a really strange issue, and we're still not sure what exactly is going on. We just now noticed it might not be as as bad as we think... This car is also still being paid off, so we can't really sell it iirc :v

EDIT: there might be hope yet for this car... we just happened to find a pertinent part in order to set in stone what this car's deal is...
Last edited by glOw; Nov 12, 2012 at 12:40 AM.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Wait so what do you need help with?

Don't think I am retarded for asking this question, I really don't understand your situation, you say "send help", explain how.


Sorry to hear that you're going through so much stuff Glow. My grandpa is going to die soon so I know what it's like, he's old and have some disease that I don't know too much about. This is just me, Just me, no need to get upset or even care. If it was my grandma, if she was old on top of being sick, I would probably let her pass on. Maybe it's time, she's old and have all of those diseases? What kind of life do you think that is? She may have reasons to stay alive but you know? It's like time to move on. Life ends life begins, it's the circle of life, you said pray so you believe in god am I right? Then she's going to a better place.
Haha then I could be entirely wrong here, but I guess if she's super old and super sick this text will make some amount of sense.
Last edited by Simon; Nov 16, 2012 at 09:20 PM.
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Wait so what do you need help with?

Don't think I am retarded for asking this question, I really don't understand your situation, you say "send help", explain how.

I was mostly just kidding- although prayers or whatever any of you guys do would be helpful.

Originally Posted by Slaugther View Post
I have a question.
Does Ishi have a car?

Doesn't need one. I live a mile from him.

Originally Posted by Simon View Post

Sorry to hear that you're going through so much stuff Glow. My grandpa is going to die soon so I know what it's like, he's old and have some disease that I don't know too much about. This is just me, Just me, no need to get upset or even care. If it was my grandma, if she was old on top of being sick, I would probably let her pass on. Maybe it's time, she's old and have all of those diseases? What kind of life do you think that is? She may have reasons to stay alive but you know? It's like time to move on. Life ends life begins, it's the circle of life, you said pray so you believe in god am I right? Then she's going to a better place.
Haha then I could be entirely wrong here, but I guess if she's super old and super sick this text will make some amount of sense.

Yes, my grandmother dying was the least of my worries out of these.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.