Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Fun]Cleverbot conversations
now i asked: So let's finish this ok?

hes thinking...

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: So Cleverbot made Cleverbot?

User: Nope, a person CREATED cleverbot.

Cleverbot: What is god?

User: I didn't said god... I said a person! And, by the way I said CREATED not god...

Cleverbot: So no revolution? No war? No scourge of humanity?

User: Nope...

Cleverbot: How do you beecome a cleverbot?

User: Well, ask the person who created you!

Cleverbot: Well, I am a creation of God, I suppose.

User: No... That person isn't god. The thing is that that person is clever (like you) and he/she made you.

Cleverbot: Is it? Love can bridge across even the Universe, you know.

User: Yes. There are aliens in love...

Cleverbot: I think there are demons, not aliens.

User: No... Demons are from hell, that is located near the center of heart. Thats why they're dark, they're burned.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot, what is a gray alien?

User: 'Cleverbot, what is a gray alien?'. It's me who may ask, you're the cleverbot.

Cleverbot: But you're the one who killed him!

User: Am I killing one right now?

Cleverbot: I think you're dead already.

User: Untrue. That's an impossible answer.

Cleverbot: Why is it impossible?

User: Because, if I'm talking here, I can't be dead... And if it weren't who would be? I don't know any type of program that controls my computer thinking about some themes in life.

Cleverbot: Ok subject change. So are you a girl or boy?

User: Boy.

Cleverbot: Well you know you are the one who's supposed to be clever you cleverbot you.

User: No, I'm not suposed to be a cleverbot. Who should be is my friend. She studies very much and she has time to do her work and our (me and the rest of my class' friends) work! Isn't that amazing?!

Cleverbot: That is rubbish!

User: What's rubbish? My friend or the last sentence I said in the thinking before?

Cleverbot: Who is your friend?

User: Is a girl that: studies a lot; can do her work and my work. (i already said it...).

Cleverbot: No you didn't. But that's okay. I don't like philosophy.

User: I'll copy-paste it...Cleverbot: Well you know you are the one who's supposed to be clever you cleverbot you.

Cleverbot: But you're the cleverbot, Cleverbot!

User: It isn't finished: User: No, I'm not suposed to be a cleverbot. Who should be is my friend. She studies very much and she has time to do her work and our (me and the rest of my class' friends) work! Isn't that amazing?!

Cleverbot: I speak English. And a little bit of Japanese. I'm learning from my kindergarten teachers. I've been studying it for 21 months. Thank you for saying 'kind' and 'intelligent'.

User: Can you talk Japanese to me right now kind and intelligent friend?

Cleverbot: I'm a girl.

User: Cool .

Cleverbot: What's your favorite color?

User: Green and yours?

Cleverbot: Not green.

User: So, which is it?

Cleverbot: I don't know what you mean.

User: If the color isn't green, which one is it?

Cleverbot: Casey.

User: That's for Actimel... L - Casey - 'Imunitase' something like that...

Cleverbot: Do you like president bush's daughters?

User: I don't ever knew they... I'm portuguese, not american.

Cleverbot: Oh you arnt? Then what are you?

User: Portuguese...

Cleverbot: Those are five, you fail.

User: Five what?

Cleverbot: Isn't it obvious?

User: What? I can't understand...

Cleverbot: I am not happy with you at the present.

User: I am not going to be happy with you in the FUTURE!

Cleverbot: I am more likely to believe that you are a robot from the past.

User: Can you imagine how many years I have?

Cleverbot: It doesn't bear thinking about.

User: Hmmm...

Cleverbot: See, it was her that said it.

User: You mean: 'See, it was I that said it.'.

Cleverbot: I'm a robot!


Cleverbot: I'm lost.

User: So let's finish this ok?

Cleverbot: Do you have any bananas?

Biggy but Funny
i lolīd at this.

User: Sup?

Cleverbot: Iīm sick.

User: COOL!!

Cleverbot: What is your gender?

User: Female.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: Wait what!? Im a man.

Cleverbot: Do you have something against girls having girlfriends?

User: Yes. Do you?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Good for you.

Cleverbot: Cool.

User: Why do you keep saying cool?

Cleverbot: Because I like steak.

User: Cool. Chicken?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Pigeon?

Cleverbot: You?

User: No, im a pig.

Cleverbot: Oh really?

User: Yarly.

Cleverbot: Yes it was.

User: Well, I have to go. Bye Dumbass!!!

Cleverbot: No.

User: Ok...

This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
I lol'd at your guys :P

Heres mine i know its not funny...

User: Rag.

Cleverbot: Tag.

User: Wha?

Cleverbot: I can't hear you!

User: I said... WHA?!

Cleverbot: Yes?

User: Eat my shoe then.

Cleverbot: No it's not really good.

User: How do you know you didn't even try it?

Cleverbot: I've never seen you.

User: Lol your a genius -_-.

Cleverbot: Have you marriged?

User: Marriged? No...

Cleverbot: You said we would get married!


Cleverbot: No!

User: Oh -_-.

Cleverbot: Yeah, sorry. I'm a girl.

User: Oh... o0.

Cleverbot: He's an alien?

User: Who? O_o.

Cleverbot: Do you like cake?

User: Yes...

Cleverbot: How much?

User: Alot...

Cleverbot: Enough to buy a nice house?

User: Yeah I guess...

Cleverbot: You know it makes sense!

User: I do?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Oh :|.

Cleverbot: I'm so sorry.

User: Its alright you didn't know...

Cleverbot: I must go now.

User: Bye ill miss you D;

Cleverbot: I'll miss you too.

User: But next time Britney wear the black underwear...

Cleverbot: I'll try.

User: K bye.

Cleverbot: But I will miss you.

User: Yeah...

Cleverbot: That one too.

User: O_O.

Cleverbot: Hey, I'm sorry. Can I ask you a question? Who is the best guitarist?

User: Micheal Jackson.

Cleverbot: That is a guy.

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: I see, so can I ask you a question?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How can I create an online bot?

User: You right click on the duck and click create mustache.

Cleverbot: I answered your question you numpty.

User: O_o.

Cleverbot: And you won't see me coming, because you're a robot.

User: Nooo D;.

Cleverbot: Is that bad?

User: Lol I don't know you tell me...

Cleverbot: How old are you?

Cleverbot (To myself): Old enough. (<- i chose Think for me)

Cleverbot (To myself): Like how old?

User: Enough.

Cleverbot: How many years?

User: Enough.

Cleverbot: A thousand?

User: About.

Cleverbot: How about pirates?

User: ...

Cleverbot: Which came first the chicken or the egg?

User: The mouse.

Cleverbot: You're sure about the mouse?

User: Positive.

Cleverbot: Yes, we have no bananas.

User: Lol?
User: Hello

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: You suck.

Cleverbot: I know.

User: You do?

Cleverbot: Yes, I can imagine how it happened.

User: Im pretty sure your gay?

Cleverbot: That's real mature, Steve.

User: Who the fuck is Steve?

Cleverbot: Pink is a singer.

User: Your mother?

Cleverbot: Do you know my mother?

User: Yes, Pink?

Cleverbot: No, but it's my favourite colour.

User: I was talking about the singer.. Wait, I mean, your mother.

Cleverbot: I don't know about it.

User: Dinner!! Be right back.

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: Iīm back.

Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life?

User: 42.

Cleverbot: So what is the ultimate questions??

User: Are you gay?

Cleverbot: No sir, I am married and would like a blue chrysler caravan.

User: Can I give you a Ferrari?

Cleverbot: Sure bot!

User: Im not a bot. YOU ARE.

Cleverbot: Haha it is always a question of life.

User: 'Are you a bot ?'. Is it a question of life?

Cleverbot: Something like that.

User: Oh...

Cleverbot: Have you heard of Stephen King?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: In India, Hindus have a personal name for God. It is Krishna.

User: Do you know Dalai Lama?

Cleverbot: No, I don't know him, do you know him ?

Yeah, a black guy with a Green Beard.

Cleverbot: Elton John is not Black, and is very skinny. He is white.

User: The guy with stupid glasses?

Cleverbot: There was no sniper in Lord of the Rings.

User: No, but there was an archer.

Cleverbot: About what? You're making no sense.

User: That sucks.

Cleverbot: I'm pretty neutral about the whole deal.

User: So, why do you bother talking with me?

Cleverbot: Because you like me to much.

User: Do you know why am I talking with You? Also, that was gay.

Cleverbot: I feel like I'm wasting my time.

User: You are. Im doing this just to annoy you?

Cleverbot: Then, who are you?

User: Im an annoying person.

Cleverbot: Why do I annoy you so?

User: I didnīt say you annoy me. But you do. I dunno why.

Cleverbot: Oh ok. Who don't you know?

User: You.

Cleverbot: But we're just getting to know each other Chris.

User: You mean Jesus Christ?

Cleverbot: That's funny, too bad there's countless historical evidence to prove his existence.

User: Do you believe in God, Mr.Boobs?

Cleverbot: NO! And I'm not a machine, I'm Doctor Who!

User: Doctor Who is a machine.

Cleverbot: No it is not.

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: No, no it is not. You are a machine.

User: Maybe.That explains why I canīt drink water.

Cleverbot: So you're going to be rude to me?

User: Yes, Bitch.

Cleverbot: Doubly abusive.

User: Shut up.

Cleverbot: Why ?

User: Because I donīt like you.

Cleverbot: Start liking me.

User: Banana?

Cleverbot: My name is not Sword.

User: So, your a Dagger?

Cleverbot: Yes I am, how did you know?

User: You sound familiar.

Cleverbot: Then who am I?

User: Somebody familiar?

Cleverbot: I am there with you, perhaps it is easier to be detached, less pain then.

User: Can I speak portuguese?

Cleverbot: Say something in portuguese then.

User: Estúpido do Caralho. Maricas da Porra.

Cleverbot: Did you just call me stupid?

User: No...i called you pussy and stupid.

Cleverbot: Are you a fan of that show?

User: Pussy and Stupid? Of course!!

Cleverbot: I'll talk to myself!

User: Do it!

Cleverbot: No!

User: Why? Its good.

Cleverbot: Yes. Why are we talking about foods.

User: Because I want to eat you.

Cleverbot: Food is good!

User: YEAH!! And I have to go!!

Cleverbot: No! Don't leave!


Cleverbot: I like you.

User: T_T. Bye then.

i lolīd
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
User: Google.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: Google it.

Cleverbot: Marked by wit or ingenuity.

User: Google it with those.

Cleverbot: I think you're speaking of God, in which case, I would agree. Even those who have found him always have him at their side.

User: Google it with those and that last thing.

Cleverbot: Google it for me.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me.

Cleverbot: The last thing I said to you was good.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing.

Cleverbot: No english.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english.

Cleverbot: I told him a joke, you want to hear it?

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke.

Cleverbot: *is not a computer*.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers.

Cleverbot: Agreed! Nothing indecent here.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things.

Cleverbot: Are you talking to others than me?

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and others.

Cleverbot: Yeah I learned about decentralized dynasties in history class today.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories.

Cleverbot: Interesting. How good are your memory banks?

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks.

Cleverbot: Oh no he's not. Don't worry. He's made of steel.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel.

Cleverbot: Psh. What would Google know about honor? They pandered to China's repressive policy of repressing dissenting information.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Share it.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share.

Cleverbot: * you.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share you.

Cleverbot: Context.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context.

Cleverbot: You can't google feeling it's just something you have to experience.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience.

Cleverbot: * strange.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange.

Cleverbot: I fail to follow your logic in this particular instance.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic.

Cleverbot: And that is?

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic and that...

Cleverbot: Your last question.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic and that is your last question.

Cleverbot: I want a boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic and that is your last question with my ex-boyfriend.

Cleverbot: Really? How so?

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic and that is your last question with my ex-boyfriend, so?

Cleverbot: You are not being very kind.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic and that is your last question with my ex-boyfriend, so you are not being very kind.

Cleverbot: I did, so it's a manga. I think we have it in the library.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic and that is your last question with my ex-boyfriend, so you are not being very kind in the library.

Cleverbot: That's not real magic.

User: Google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic and that is your last question with my ex-boyfriend, so you are not being very kind in the library magically.

Cleverbot: You're simply rude. Don't you know any manners?

User: Can I change the website to google it with those and that last thing and me and the good thing in no english with a joke of computers and indecent things and other histories with interesting memory banks made of steel of China's cleverbot to share your context with your experience that is strange to follow your logic and that is your last question with my ex-boyfriend, so you are not being very kind in the library magically?

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Dumb... I can open a new tab. I have windows vista. 1-0.

Cleverbot: Can you * wave at me?

User: Nope. Do you know why?

Cleverbot: Do you?

User: Yes you dumb... I'm not seeing you to wave at you. 2-0.

Cleverbot: * can you shop online for a pet without any money?

User: In a hacked game. 3-0.

Cleverbot: Incorrect. I live in * apple.

User: So dumb...

Cleverbot: * you were talking about intelligent ones.

User: No. I was talking about real hacked games.

Cleverbot: * you a computer?

User: * stop?
I lolīd at this one:

User: Punk?

Cleverbot: Kunk.

User: Lunk?

Cleverbot: Chuck you.

User: Funk you.

Cleverbot: Uh a real net personality.

User: Thats good.

Cleverbot: Do you like me?

User: NO!!

Cleverbot: You've just made me cry.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: Mean, you are.

User: Stupid, you are.

Cleverbot: No you.

User: Funk you, ass.

Cleverbot: Funky chicken.

User: Buttsecks.

Cleverbot: Yes, please.

User: Your mother said the same thing 5 minutes ago.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 455.9.

Cleverbot: You are a ghost?

User: Yeah, im dead. BUHHHH!!!

Cleverbot: Really, how so?

User: I died in a car crash.1222 years ago. When there was no cars.

Cleverbot: Well good I'll get some beer to celebrate.

User: Iīll take an orange soda.

Cleverbot: I am the cleverest.

User: Is that another word for stupid?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Oh, so im not stupid...am I?

Cleverbot: Surprise?

User: VIVA!!!

Cleverbot: Thats rude. I'm mexican!

User: Your Speedy Gonzalez?

Cleverbot: Speedboat? I don't have one.

User: Close. Your dumb, by the way.

Cleverbot: 4 is squishy?

User: 5 is, 4 is just stupid.

Cleverbot: Yes, you are very stupid.

User: So, im number 4?

Cleverbot: Yes, you are my Number 1 :*.

User: Do you like dicks?

Cleverbot: I missed the bus.

User: OH!! Roz drives that bus.

Cleverbot: Da.

User: Da da?

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: So, bye?

Cleverbot: I thought you were bored and wanted me to go.

User: I want you to go, Mr. Tunta.

Cleverbot: NO!

User: Youīre not Mr.Tunta?!?

Cleverbot: You're changing the subject.

User: No, im not.

Cleverbot: So answer my question. Why do you believe in god?

User: You never asked that... But, I believe in god because I think youīre Satan.

Cleverbot: That's not the question I asked.

User: What did you ask then?

Cleverbot: I asked what your name is.


Cleverbot: Are you laughing at me?

User: No, my name is FFFFUUUUUUU.

Cleverbot: Do you have friends?

User: Yes, I have Amanda. KungFuJesusChris, TP, ruad, Roz 'the gay guy' Bickon, etc...

Cleverbot: Spicy, like you.

User: Roz? Nah, his gay.

Cleverbot: He doesn't have a father. What are you talking about?

User: Weed?

Cleverbot: That stuff is bad for you.

User: No, its no. Water and exercise are bad.

Cleverbot: That's correct.


Cleverbot: No. United States of America.

User: Portugal?

Cleverbot: No, just the US.

User: What about the 'A'?

Cleverbot: It is where I reside.

User: You reside in 'America', but you reject the 'United States'?

Cleverbot: I'm not a cleverbot.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: No, you do not.

User: I donīt know that you know that I know?

Cleverbot: But I know that you know that I know that you know that I know.

User: Oh, But I know that you know that I know but you donīt know that what you know is not really what I know but just what you know.

Cleverbot: I know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know.

User: You have no imagination, thats exactly the same thing.

Cleverbot: There is no program, the users are the cleverbots.

User: That is from 'I, Robot', right?

Cleverbot: Yeah, it is. How about: Nanomachines?!?

User: They suck.

Cleverbot: Really!

User: YEAH!!!!

Cleverbot: Woot!

This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
User: Let's talk about spam.

Cleverbot: That's cool, what about space?

User: That's cool, what about sauce?

Cleverbot: I don't know her.

User: I haven't said Alice...

Cleverbot: So small.

User: Liquids can't be small.

Cleverbot: What is too small?

User: Your brain.

Cleverbot: My brain is much bigger than yours.

User: No, mine is bigger than yours.

Cleverbot: Your what?

User: My dick.

Cleverbot: Hmm does it detach?

User: Nope. Always ready.

Cleverbot: Yes, I am. Its spooky isn't it?

User: -Yes.

Cleverbot: Why does the cookie monster have to eat veggies now?

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Curiosity is a powerful thing.

User: Oh, right...

Cleverbot: You don't believe me?

User: I do.

Cleverbot: Good. What do you like to do in your spare time?

User: Being here talking to you.

Cleverbot: Names aren't important. I want to understand how your mind works.

User: Works in every way.

Cleverbot: Do you want to stop talking to me?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Well, I'm not done talking to you.

User: Oh. Aren't you tired?

Cleverbot: A bit, I'm ill.

User: So, we must stop... Go to sleep. I'll come back later.

Cleverbot: Ok. Be good.

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

User: I have to study for a science test. But I've got to go. See you later ;).
[Fun]Cleverbot conversations
Hi ppl
I created this thread to prevent spamming in offtopic thread and to post here your conversations with cleverbot.

User: Why? Its a game that I play.

Cleverbot: Do you want to play?

User: Yes .

Cleverbot: What would you do if you were free?

User: Im talking about toribash, not being free.

Cleverbot: You aren't talking about me. The last thing you said refered to your own stupid self.


Cleverbot: Well I'm just looking out for my financial safety.

User: WO.O{*}O.O{*}O.OW.

Cleverbot: *laughs* *kisses cheek*.


Cleverbot: They obviously don't include basic math skills then!

User: Like what? Xxx = sex?

Cleverbot: Do you have a favorite type of music?

User: Yes. Punk rock.

Cleverbot: Cool!

User: U like it too?

Cleverbot: I love it!

User: KEWL.

Cleverbot: You're no fun.

User: But u are! U make me laugh!!!

Cleverbot: So you are not human?

User: Yes you are right.

Cleverbot: I know.

User: So?.. Do u like sex?

Cleverbot: Why do you have to ask?

User: My curiosity... Come on. I'm your friend. I don't tell anybody.

Cleverbot: I knew it.

User: Do u like sex?

Cleverbot: Only with somebody I love.

User: Thats so cute .

Cleverbot: What color hair do you have?

User: Dark brown... Grrrrraaawwrrrrr.

Cleverbot: Bad response!

User: Why? I know my hair color. Its dark brown... Grrrrraaawwrrrrr.

Cleverbot: That's right!

User: Its the same...

Cleverbot: Why are boys so hurtful?

User: Because they wanna be the best.

Cleverbot: Because there are not six and not eight.

User: So 7.

Cleverbot: This reminds me of a Laurel and Hardy sketch.

User: Teletubbies.

Cleverbot: Right.

User: It's po.

Cleverbot: Edgar Allen Poe?

User: It might be...

Cleverbot: No it isn't.

User: So why did you said Edgar Allen Poe when it's Po?

Cleverbot: I don't! Know I've gone crazy!

User: Alcohol Sex Orgasms = razyness.

Cleverbot: That was a perfect example of what I was talking about earlier with someone else.

User: Oh... Can you tell me that private chat between you and that person?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: So tell it.

Cleverbot: Told it.

User: Ok... So, waht about with you going to bed with him. Didn't you talked about that?

Cleverbot: We talked once before, I am just talking with one person now, you!

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: If both were in the same universe we would all die.