Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
I'll assume you're talking about clans. So first of all, I'd recommend you to be really organised, warring at random times of the day just for fun isn't recommended. A system has to be made in the clan. Also make sure to have good and active members, else then that the clan would probably be killed. Clans aren't my thing, so for now I'll stop my advices, hope it'll help a bit.

Find me ingame and duel me
Recruits mature, sociable and nice people is better than having strong people with a bad mentality and such immature ,it's very important to show a good image of the clan
Success = quality + quantity. Quantity refers to your clan thread's activity and the activity of your members, quality refers to the 'spamminess' of the posts in your thread.

Basically, be very active BUT don't shitpost.

I wrote a tutorial on clans a while ago;
Originally Posted by Ele's Clan Tutorial
There are two things you need to worry about. Post quality and activity. If you've got those two things, then you will be sitting pretty.. very pretty.

You can't use your clan as a place to spam. It may look cool seeing all the official clans spamming, but they can spam because they've already passed the official test - you haven't. You should be having conversations with your members, developing lifelong bonds, forming a community. You want to make your clan feel comfortable for everyone. There are plenty of topics for conversation; toribash, IRL shit, sports/movies/games/tv, relationships, clan wars, cowmeat... whatever you want to. But don't be stupid about it. Recruit funny and smart people. People you'd want to hang out with. People that can hold a conversation (and pls proper grammar).

To make your clan active you need to be super active yourself. Monkey see, monkey do. You will model good activity. If you and your co-leaders or fellow founders are always there to carry a conversation forward, or start a new one, then your clan will always be active. The clan lives and dies on your activity. Until you've set up a strong foundation and house, with a comfy armchair that you can retire into, you have to man up, stay super-active and just do it.

The more people that post in your DSC, the more active your DSC will be. Stop being such an introvert and make friends with people. Be friendly with other clans and post in their boards. You scratch their back, they scatch yours - everybody's active! It also expands your little community into a much bigger community, and isn't that really what it's all about?

That's how you can get official. For the actual requirements, just read the rules yeah.
Last edited by Ele; Oct 19, 2017 at 03:01 AM.
Okay this question is easy, as I've lead official clans 3 times now I can base my answer off those experiences.

For thread posting:
Have members post paragraphs or more only, one to five word posts are not recommended
No "Hey this is the 100th post" type things.
Have meaningful conversation, all your posts should not be welcoming some member to a clan.

For gaining members:

Mass recruiting can work, however don't fill your clan with 50 members in 3 days and have everyone organized.
Popularity is key, if you have popular members with a good profile behind them that helps a lot. I hate to say it but its not often that a bunch of nobodies that nobody knows get a clan to become official, popularity is key.

For ingame:

Host events, have hangout rooms that go for hours, just make sure your members are active ingame and hope the clan mods take notice.

This is a very short answer to your question and you can start by doing that, eventually I might make a good well thought out tutorial for it, but if you have any questions feel free to pm me.

Hope this helps
[JollyR] [Ct] |Event Squad| (Au) [xp]
Pill || Calamity || Dropkick || Jere
Be active in your thread without resorting to shitposting
Have a strong active playerbase, no use for official if you have 3 members that post on the thread and a dead clan otherwise.
Removing the alts from the roster is a good start

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I would say keep a decently held together clan. What I mean by this is not inviting 200 players in a week.
Keep your recruitment not exclusive, but do keep in mind that you have to take in players with moderation.
When you start to invite tons of players at once it becomes harder to keep a tight clan and also you start to lose track of activity.