Original Post
Starting a business
I'm starting a house cleaning service business. Or I guess it's already started. Everything is in place except for actually getting it LLCd. I'll do that after I have some money. Site's up, google adwords and bing/yahoo ad things are running. Posted an ad for it on craigslist. And the cleaner I'm hiring is in if there's any jobs before we meet. I've launched basically. Perhaps illegally since I don't have the LLC yet. Oh well. Bigger problems!

Anyway, I'm meeting with the cleaner I'm 99% positive I'm going to hire on Tuesday. It's weird because I'm 18, and she's a mother of 3. So like, old enough to be my own mom most likely. It's not really an interview since I've asked her all I need to know through email, and told her pretty much everything about the company. It's just a formality; to not hire someone without seeing them in person first, and to not be hired by someone without seeing them in person.. But it kind of is an interview. Either way, she's going to see how young I am.

How big of a deal is it to be hired by someone young enough that you could've pushed them out of your own vagina? Should I not be caring about it? I already have mild self diagnosed social anxiety, so this is really putting me on edge thinking about how weird and awkward it could be. And what if she's like "damn son, you young. I'm out"
"you out?"
"ABCya BYE!"
and then I have to go find another cleaner and repeat this horribly awkward experience?

Also, be confident is valid advice because I can't be confident. That's something I lack. I already actually directly told her that I've never ran a business before and that I have no idea what I'm doing really. I think I do that as a cop-out. That way I have an excuse. If things don't work out, then I have an excuse and it's just "oh well. you knew what you were getting into."
Last edited by isaac; Jul 7, 2014 at 09:13 AM.
Yeah, I would say just not to think about it. When you get older, age starts to mean less and less, so you might as well start early. Yes, she is quite possibly much older than you, but she also lacks the inclination or ability to run her own business.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
If you already told her that and she's still in then it should be fine. I wouldn't have a problem with working for someone younger than me, so long as I get paid!

Good luck isaac!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
If you already told her that and she's still in then it should be fine. I wouldn't have a problem with working for someone younger than me, so long as I get paid!

Good luck isaac!

Thanks Gorman!

So she wasn't as old as I expected. Maybe around 30. I was bad at leading the conversation. I just have poor people skills though lol. It went ok though. I have a cleaner now at least. Now I need customers :C
Cheap flyers on telephone poles are your friend.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
What kind of investment do you have that you can afford to hire people without customers? (also pre-llc is a big red flag, how are you handling the paperwork necessary in hiring someone?)
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Oh they'll just be independent contractors.

So far I've only spent a few bucks a month for hosting, and a domain, and a wordpress theme. I have $100 free credit in bing, and $75 in google after I spend $25. Biggest expense will be to get LLCd. I think I'm going to wait until a month goes by though. If I haven't had any customers by August, I'm gonna put on my business suit and hang myself by my tie.

I think I'll do the telephone pole flyer thing.

Starting to get demoralized...
Yeah, you're going to want to get LLC before actually doing anything. If you actually think your business will take off, you could get a small business loan for equipment and such.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I reckon that's awesome dude!! I'm 21 and my house mate and I wanna start up an Art Collective, both to curate and host exhibitions, but it sounds like a huge move.
However, in hindsight, you're sitting there three years younger than me and starting a business up.

I'm fully going to have to get off my ass.
One thing I am quite certain about is that you should just go for it, whether or not you're feeling demoralized by the whole dollar bill situation (trying to get your business legal, loans, offices, advertising). One thing I've learned through the past few years is that procrastinating is useless.
And you have fully avoided that by every means. You're eighteen with a business. You are winning my friend!!