Original Post
Reguestig For a New CARTOON set
Hey All! (Piatez]Szabi11)

I have 20k TC and a Helios Relax and Ghost.

If Some1 Made for me a Good Cartoon set i give the TC and the 2 Item immediatly
I like this style: Robotic
Something Colorfull(Like This -> Write in Free Play
/lp 1 Bio)
And Piratez why i'm in the Piratez Clan

Colors: I don't Like Pinky - Dark green( Orc ) And Marine( Dark Blue )
My fav Color is: i like the Yellow,Dark Colors, Orange ,
Black ,white,Brown!

Best Set Wins!!!!!!!!!
Hi Drago sorry but this is closed why i Buy Item's and i don't have now TC Xd

If i have again Many TC i Reguest again.( That's not a Many time when i get More TC )
Last edited by Szabi11; May 15, 2010 at 01:53 PM.