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Addicted to the internet and or games...
So heres the thing,some people I know play games all day.
IDK Why but apparently its an "Escape from reality".

When they go on like this the whole day I confront them,but the obvious response you get from any addict comes my way"Shut up,i'm in control!!pffft your addicted!".

Wtf should I do?
also,Can any of you acknowledge that your addicted?
Originally Posted by Braids View Post
"Shut up,i'm in control!!pffft your addicted!"

Probably because confronting an addicted person really pisses him off.
Please don't do it.
oh yeah
He's slipping class to play games,When he gets home heplays games,He doesn't sleep he plays games,When he's awake he plays games.
I don't even know if he eats.

So wtf else should I do?
Originally Posted by Braids View Post
He's slipping class to play games,When he gets home heplays games,He doesn't sleep he plays games,When he's awake he plays games.

Okay now that's disturbing.

Maybe you should try to convince him to do some kind of physical activity, like persuade him to play some football or something. He might even end up liking it.
If no sport works, then go for the less popular ones. I hate football, or volleyball, or basketball, but I love badmington.
Also I think it should be better to let his parents handle it, because they will be able to do it easier.
oh yeah
Yea but he shoots my ideas down immediatly.
He has obediant parents aka parents that listen to the kid,witch makes this 1000 times harder.
Next time you're in his house cut his modems power cord or something to get rid of the internet :3

I'll admit I was slightly addicted to Xbox Live... And I was for a while, Its all I really wanted to do, But then I got the red ring lol. It took me 2 weeks to get it fixed, and once it was fixed since I had gone two weeks without it I just got out of the habit of playing. Now I only play it like once a week...

So really the only way you can get him out of gaming so much is to break the cycle.
Team America|7th Dan|
All good plans.
But there is yet another problem.
The sob is a master at games,and if I break his shit I have 2 pay :P
Do it secretly.... Or better yet, Make a fake email (so he doesn't know its you) and send him a virus that will crash his shit.

Or, Better yet. Get him a gf, That should get him out of the house.
Team America|7th Dan|