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3d modeling
i am highly into creating 3d models, i also take a computer aided drafting and animation program at my school, and im interested if anyone else has the same interest as me. if you do what program do you use, and it would be cool to see some pictures of some of the stuff you made. i will be posting some of the stuff i have made in the next day or so
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Hey I use Autodesk Maya 2012, I used to be a 3DS Max and Blender user :P Here is some of my stuff, I'll have to give you high quality renders of the items when I get home in 3 days or so but these should do for now


Sorry for so many pics, I just got the image address from my thread in my Clan and copied them here, as you can see I haven't really shared my decent creations xD
wow those look good i use 3d max and maya too i use to use blender but i stopped using it seeing as 3d max and maya can do animations too and i will be getting some of my work off my computer tomorrow and ill post them here
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Nice, I'm more of a animator than a modeller, I focus on 2D animation mostly in Flash since thats what my work requires, although its still good that your getting into 3D animation
yeah its fun. i feel extremely luck that my school offers a 3d modeling and animation program that uses 3d max although its the 2010 version it has helped my modeling tremendously and has given me the opportunity to learn as much as i can about the program and relatively fast too
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Well you must be in a good school, my school is using Kudo and the teachers there have no idea how to use the software them selves, well.. Good thing I know what I'm doing
You know there's a 3d org, right ?

I use and prefer blender, school uses lightwave. I don't really like lightwave, except for a few things that are really good. I'd only do this as a hobby, it doesn't appeal to me enough, nor am I artistic enough, to do it as a career. It's fun though.
sorry for the inactivity i was creating new textures and didn't have time to go on the forums but @souldevil: my school is pretty good, and my teacher actually knows how to use the program =] @ isaac: I use to use blender a lot when i was making customs for gunz a few years back but i stopped playing the game and making models and when i downloaded blender again it was a completely different program even the color of the background is different know and i havent taken the time to figure it out again and i dont think i ever will since i have 3d max now, also i have never heard of lightwave whats different about it?
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It's completely different. I'll list a few things I don't like about it. 2 separate programs for rendering, and for modeling. Modeling itself, I don't think there's a way to rotate a plane like along it's normal, there also doesn't seem to be a way to move it along its normal, same with scaling I think. I also prefer blender's way of making edge loops, way simpler than lightwave. A bunch of other things that annoy me, but I can't remember atm. I mostly just don't like the modeling, when compared to blender's.

I love the particles, they're pretty easy to use to make look decent. I also like the surface editor, it's simpler than blender imo, to an extent. Animation is easier to use than blender's imo. I like a few other things, too, that I can't remember.
Last edited by isaac; Feb 24, 2012 at 04:02 AM.
I used to work with industrial 3d modeling. Used to play with solidworks, buy I'm not anymore in that life.

There you can calculate everything, model the pieces, mount anything piece by piece and them simulate the results.

But that is a bit far from Maya and Blender.