Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Event] Clan usertitle
[Event] Create your clan usertitle

Create a usertitle pic that shows your fanaticism to your clan!


- Each participating clan will make a thread about this event in their board (if it is not official, use the dsc thread), the leader will choose at least 5 members to make usertitles.
- Once they have all usertitles, the leader will select the best usertitle to use as entry for the event.
- The event team will proceed to discuss to choose the best usertitle.


- At least 5 members participating
- Your clan must work on it, DON'T ask an artist that is not in your clan to make the usertitles
- Every clan must have their own thread to discuss about this event, and make the usertitles (WE NEED SOLID PROOF).
- Please, follow the procedure.
- The usertitle picture size must be 155x20 pixels
- We will not pick stupid entries.
- Only current members of the clan get it (no new members will receive it.)
members that leave will not lose it.


First place: 25k + all clan members will wear the winner usertitle +5 Points
Second place: 15k +3 Points


- Originality
- Quality
- Creativity
- Good use of image editor resources (filters, etc)


3 Weeks

Good Luck!


So, basicly, in this event we need to make some sorta of small clan banner and if we win, everybody will get our clan's usertitle (for example, Andzej now has a UniBash Principal banner). The problem is that we need at least 3 entries from members of our clan (but better 5). So post WIPs here and disscuss, whose usertitle is better.
Нам нужно еще хотя бы 3 какашки :3
Иначе мы просто не сможем участвовать в эвенте.
И да - сделай своей какашке хотя бы рамочку.
Можно еще полу-элипс добавить, как у меня на аве сверху.
Here's mine.

Дедли, ты меня не понял.
Я имел ввиду наложить половинку элипса сверху, белого цвета, с прозрачностью 30-40%.
Как на моей аватарке или юзертайтле.

Вот так:

Last edited by Maccross; May 26, 2011 at 01:32 PM.
Не, мне как то не нравится он.


У меня шейпов нету...
Last edited by Deadlyshark; May 26, 2011 at 02:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Спасибо макросу, за помощь с рамочкой

И не только с рамочкой, еще и форму поправил ~Maccross

Бебебебе ~bw


ЦОЙ ЖИВ!!!111Адын!!1! ~Maccross
Last edited by Maccross; May 27, 2011 at 01:54 PM.