Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Pandora] Video Thread
Didn't see any thread like this so I thought I would post one. Feel free to post any videos you find interesting, horrifying, funny, intense, amazing, awsome, terrible, intrigueing, curious, subtle, or grotesque...Basically, Post any video (Within reason....no furry porn lars).
Lets start with a video series i find pretty damn hilarious.

Redbull Gave Me Wings
woh woh woh, no lars, this is a legit thread. Wibbles is off-topic convo, not souly focused on media presenting. There is a game thread, a music thread, and now a video. Completes the trio of media sir. :3
Redbull Gave Me Wings
Music is legit, cause it's music.
Games = a topic that can be discussed pretty well.
Videos: There is too much random and off-topicness connected to videos.
This is a thread to discuss different videos and their relevence, intrigue, or implications. Just...do me a favor...se how it goes? Besides, i am belial.
Redbull Gave Me Wings