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Fox News: They Deceive, We Believe

In the last 50 years, the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology. First there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet (rayuso,, 2009). The modern day society we live in depends on the information and communication that is provided by media, whether it is newspapers, television or the internet. Without media many would be left directionless and unable to complete day to day activities such as keeping up with world events or simply just keeping in touch with friends. Corporate media owners such as Rupert Murdoch manipulate this dependency in order to control the public’s attitudes, beliefs and cultural values by limiting and controlling what people see in the media. He is able to achieve this by using certain media techniques in order to dramatize issues or world events to create his own version of reality. The general majority of the public are drawn into believing this fake reality because the techniques they use prey on the very morals and values that the human race is built on; and face it, what would society be like without these morals and values?
It is because of these morals and values that corporate media owners have society eating out of their hands, feeding the watered down versions of the truth, bias on a grand scale and presenting their own personalised version of reality. A prime example of how the public are fed their versions of the truth would be Fox News in the US, specifically criticized for its tendency to support the Republican Party and its interests. David Frum, former speechwriter to George W. Bush was quoted saying:
"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party." (David Schoetz, 2010)
This just goes to show how much power corporate media owners have over how the world is shaped, some would even go to the point of saying it is laughable how far fox news is from reality. One such person is Ron Kaufman, writer and article journalist for;
“I have no doubt that if someone intimately tied into the Fox News Channel were to read this article they would immediately label me a seditious-evil-lying-communist-scumbag-bastard who hates America. This, of course, is so far from reality that it's laughable. After spending some time analysing and evaluating the Fox News Channel, I have formed a similar opinion. The Fox News Channel is so far from reality that it's laughable -- which is why it's an industry joke.” (, 2004)
These views lead one to wonder why channels like fox news, are so popular? The simple answer would be that they give their viewers exactly what they want to hear in a way they can understand it. But is this so called news that is delivered daily really as truthful as they would have us believe?
The way Fox news presents its information is deceitful, but what you may be wondering is how this will ultimately affect you, well the truth is you may not be directly affected by fox news in particular, but give this a thought; how do you first hear about something? Where did you receive this information from? Do you know where they received this information? And how do you know that it hasn’t been manipulated into someone’s own version of reality, warped and twisted as it goes from source to source until eventually you received it? The reality is you don’t, and by the time you hear about it, yes the basic information might still be intact, but how do you know it’s the complete truth?

What do you guys think??