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Head Shop.
Hello, I am a beginer head makerererererere. hope you like my heads. I have seen other head sellers and there "spinnys" are crisp and great quality Like DsNub's. If you know how to make them like this, please tell
Anyway back to the heads.

Abstract head (spinny).jpg - Abstract Robot - 1000tc

Beanie head (spinny).jpg - Beanie Bloke - 800tc (not quite sure why its not spinning :S)

Colour Ninja.jpg - Colourful Ninja - 1000tc

Emo Demon.jpg - Emo Demon - 800tc

Evil kitty (spinny).jpg - Evil Kitty - 1000tc

P.S. if you have any head making tips can you share?
Mew, you didn't put much effort on them. I am not trying to hurt your feelings but i am talking about dimention (pixel,quality) its bad. if you change it into better quality everyone will like it!
You put a lot of effort in the demon emo thing, but the rest isn't great. I would say practice drawing the faces and hair until you improve.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.