Original Post
Hello, so as you know, at 4:00 of February 24th Russian Federation invaded Ukraine - my Motherland where I live and where I am RIGHT NOW.
Russian forces bombing our cities, killing our people, not only military but also civilians. Putin doesn't care about deaths of his soldiers and the economic crisis in which he drowns his country as a result of the invasion. In addition to permitted weapons, they also use weapons, that are banned widely by many countries, such as cluster bombs and vacuum bombs.
His plan was to conquer Ukraine in two days BUT it didn't work by any means. Our soldiers alongside volunteers and Territorial Defense Forces resist FOR 6 DAYS STRAIGHT, killing and capturing those, who came to our land uninvited.
Putin won't stop on US, his plan is to revive USSR by the annexation of territories of these countries that once were a part of it.

I know, not many of you know me but I ask you to help us in any way you can - either financially or informationally by spreading the word. This bloody murderous regime of Putin should be stopped or at least suffer as much as my people do now, hiding in shelters and losing their closest ones.

I ask you to donate to these foundations, any amount will be useful, thank you.

I can not post here pictures of dead bodies but I will post photos of our destroyed cities.
I don't have a stable internet connection for an obvious reason so I probably won't have an opportunity to answer but I hope I will be heard.

Last edited by Hug; Mar 1, 2022 at 09:48 PM.
I would like to donate TC to this cause, I have 7M TC on a banned account and this game is dogshit so Id love to donate all that to this cause if thats possible
Originally Posted by McFarbo View Post
I would like to donate TC to this cause, I have 7M TC on a banned account and this game is dogshit so Id love to donate all that to this cause if thats possible

Was the account permanently banned or is it unbanned at this point? What's the username? Message staff for account recovery. Don't tell people you're donating it destroys any good will you had. Don't use a ban as an excuse. If your going to donate, donate, don't blame the game for your own wrong doings. Also donating Tc is absolutely ridiculous and useless for Ukraine. Donate real money to the link that he sent. (bro where tf do these dislikes come from. He wasn't joking)
Last edited by Faux; Mar 4, 2022 at 10:21 PM.
[dog] Is and always will be my favorite clan
iTemp will donate 20 million tc so they can slap some fuckin' laser cannons on their fire breathing dragon.
I've been talking about the Ukraine crisis with a close friend of mine, and we've pretty much said that the west won't do much other than sanctions and mean words because they don't wanna get glassed.
[insert generic quotes from certain players]
Originally Posted by Vertex View Post
I've been talking about the Ukraine crisis with a close friend of mine, and we've pretty much said that the west won't do much other than sanctions and mean words because they don't wanna get glassed.

Obviously europe could wipe out Russia without much trouble, but they don't want to start a world war. Especially when nuclear threats are being made. They're still sending a lot of equipment though, and encourage volunteers to go and join Ukraine (Which, they got like 20k foreign volunteers at this point). That's way more than "sanctions and mean words".
Originally Posted by SmaBOOOOOOOris View Post
Obviously europe could wipe out Russia without much trouble, but they don't want to start a world war. Especially when nuclear threats are being made. They're still sending a lot of equipment though, and encourage volunteers to go and join Ukraine (Which, they got like 20k foreign volunteers at this point). That's way more than "sanctions and mean words".

wet dreams about wiping out russia, hell yeah
Братан, крепись там.Надеюсь что у тебя всё будет хорошо и что ты попросту останешься живой, твои близкие тоже. А этот дырявый конфликт закончится как можно скорее.
От себя добавлю, что мой максимум в этой борьбе - получить по ебалу дубинкой от омона. Это всё что я лично для тебя могу сделать, да и тех людей с нашего клана кто живёт в незалежной.
The commenters above (but with a few exceptions) are clearly unaware of just how terrible this whole thing is. People are dying, in terrible ways. People are burning alive on both sides. They are torn apart by projectiles. There is misinformation from the media on both sides. The real hatred is being blown right now. Between people who speak almost the same language and have not so different culture from each other. Someone finds it funny how someone's parents die, someone whose children were sent to the battle.

All who are not involved in the conflict are in an observer position. You are doing absolutely nothing. I sincerely wish such "humorists" to be in exactly the same situation. Feel the bombardment of rockets, shooting from morning to evening. Pain from flesh being torn from gunshots, fever from infected wounds. Hunger, fear of death. The realization that you were attacked, or sent with a lie to fight with the brotherly people. Sitting in bomb shelters around the clock and sleeping on cold floors.

And as far as i know, some of those "jokers" living in places which prefer to fight only for lgbt rights and liberate only countries with terrorists. When it comes to fight against military - afraid to catch a nuke. Where is your fucking tolerance now? Where is your fucking spirit right now?

It's so funny, isn't it?
Pussies. Do something useful and donate at least something, or shut the fuck up.
Задонатил тысячу деревянных как мог. Без обид.
Last edited by T0n0mi; Mar 8, 2022 at 01:38 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds
I appreciate everyone, who really support my people in this war whether informationally or financially, and for those "edgy cynics" - I wish you never experience the horror my people experiencing right now, sitting in shelters because of the risk of getting a fucking Iskander missile at your house.
As of 07.03.2022 Russian forces have damaged or completely destroyed 202 elementary schools, 34 hospitals, over 1500 civilian buildings including high-rise ones, left with no electricity, water, and heating more than 900 settlements. Regarding to OHCHR as of 05.03.2022 it counted 351 deaths and 707 injures amongst civilians and this number only raises every day, every hour. Regarding the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, 38 children died and 71 got injured as a result of Russian forces firing and bombing our land. Even with these so-called green humanitarian corridors, that have been aligned with the Russian side - they opened fire at it, at the civilians.
Russia is rapidly isolated from the major part of the world as a result of sanctions that have been already deployed. Putin takes censorship to the absolute extreme, it reminds me of Orwell's "1984" where people couldn't call the war "war", all the media in Russia, that did not stick to the pro-government propaganda line and tried to keep translating the reality as it is to the masses, are now gone under the pressure of being jailed for the long terms. Russia’s parliament passed a law on Friday imposing a prison term of up to 15 years for spreading intentionally “fake” news about the military, basically, that means if you call the war "war" and not a "SpEcIaL oPeRaTiOn" as Putin called it or if you post anything, regarding the situation of the war in Ukraine, that hasn't been previously informed by the Ministry of Defence of Russia or was, but with the different context and numbers, you are posting fakes.
Putin's deeds have caused not only genocide of Ukrainians but also massive humiliation of Russian citizens, who have actively protested against the war, being beaten and detained by the Russian authorities. Let alone Russian soldiers, over 12,000 of which were already eliminated and over 1,000 captured, and for what? There are plenty of videos of captured Russian soldiers, who are let to call their relatives, watch it, listen to what they say, this is very important.
Last edited by Hug; Mar 9, 2022 at 03:58 PM.
This is happening mostly because America and Nato keeps trying to push 'democracy' in the post soviet states including ukraine, not saying what Putin is doing is right but at the same time America and Nato shouldn't be doing all this shit directly on Russias border. If Russia was doing any of this on America's borders like creating Bioweapons labs, sending weapons, controlling who's in government (Biden threatened not to send 1B in Aid to ukraine if a prosecutor wasn't fired) etc etc, we would have nuked their asses. Just look at the Cuban Missile Crisis as an example. America kept poking the bear then when the bear got angry we all cried wolf.

I do have to say that the timing of this is all very strange and I wouldn't be surprised if the World Economic Forum's (WEF) 'New World Order' had something to do with this, as figures such as Justin Trudeau, Dan Crenshaw, Tulsi Gabbard, Zelenskyy and even Putin were in the Young Global Leaders program of the WEF and this could be a push to ultimately install a world government.
Last edited by McFarbo; Mar 10, 2022 at 05:13 AM.