Endurance Onslaught 6.0
View Poll Results: Should we remove old threads like recruitement, member list, and make brand news ones
I think we should make new threads and remove old ones.
14 Votes / 53.85%
I think we should make new threads and keep old ones
4 Votes / 15.38%
I think we should keep old ones
2 Votes / 7.69%
I honestly don't care.
6 Votes / 23.08%
Voters: 26. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Original Post


WolvesWild Joined, aswell as Ficha24.
Wolveswild is a giiiiirl o-o
Oh and, we are active.
EDIT : Damn, I forgot. Votrox joined too. It's funny heh? Get it ? Votrox joined VorteX : D No I know this joke sucks, but It's not mine u_u


Cloak is back! a Veteran VorteX member with his own rank!
Psyckho has rejoined us to help out with some problems
Iceblitz the founder and creator of the VorteX clan is Back! and its about time he came back too.
New communication methods (MSN) have been added in order to promote activity!


lolpants and his brother are back from Texas.


My laptop is broken ! Damn it. I don't know who recruited all those new members, but I'm glad to see the clan is as active as when I "left"
I'm at my dad's place. Still can't play but I can go on forums now. Don't forget to have fun and be nice. Our clan is ALL about the social aspect : Make friends, be nice, be loyal.

Oh and btw, I'm not here enough to be up to date, but damn, I saw the new VorteX logo, the pixel art one and I like it ! To whoever who made it, good job !


Lolpants and his brother, Crabwithshovel will be taking a weeks vacation to Texas. See you guys in a week!


Activity amongst VorteX is picking up. Lets not be defeated by summer again.


Aelak Is back. Welcome home the old VorteXian.
Ripper23 is now a recruiter. We have a lot of applications so get workin boys!
No news on Psyckho being back yet, but we all wait for his return


XxMK1xX IS back with us and we are currently 80% back to tip top shape here!
The Last Legion is now an allie of VorteX


OH YEAH !!! I'm awesome : Last edit was EXACTLY ONE MONTH AGO. Isn't that cool?
But even better ! ROFLDRAGON IS BACK ! Now we got Vendetta, Rofldragon, Drone and lolpants. We just need Dal back and we'll have the whole active part of VorteX back. I never tought It'll work so good. Thanks to Drone for having an argument with me long time ago about honor (yes it worked, somehow) and lolpants for coming out of nowhere and saying on the forums "Oh what happened here? I'd like to talk with old clan people"

Even tho I'm not here much theses days (I come on the forum everyday though)
I left drone in charge of the training of new officers
and lolpants in charge of the forum.


Vandetta joined us back ! FUCK YEAH!!!
Lolpants got moderator powers on the forum ! Don't mess with him


Mayelene left yesterday (or the day before I can't remember) due to an argument inside the clan. Sad she took it that way. We'll regret her.


JasonZheng joined aswell as PsychoLord, yay !
Due to maylene and ripper issues I'll make a court law something like that thread.


Lunacy22 joined, yay
I'm proud to see our clan living again.
All hail to the clan

Polkadots5 Joined the clan, Welcome to the family


Lot of people on the room yesterday ! Lot of fun too with GIRLZ where you guys were out of control. (The aggressive one was kinda creepy tho :O)
No seriously. I just recruited Arturix3, Welcome to the family


Lot of stuff happend ! People got promotions (you can check that and ask for one in application thread)
Lunacy22 may join us later (yay ! Two girls in our clan, that is for sure gonna boost ou recruitement !)
Minxyl join us, Special rank Uke ! He is a newbie but he's nice and want to learn, Help him out you guys!


Maylene has been recruited. She seems to be nice and a good aikido player.
We need to recruit more people. I also want to know if you guys are getting less active or is it an idea?


I invited our members to the toriclan. If you are in the clan, check if you have been invited and you accepted it. If I did not invited you, it gotta be a mistake, just tell it and I'll fix that.


Got confirmation for leading the clan, everything is fine.
I asked for us to be added in ToriClans, Made a kind of mainpage.
A poll has been added.


Okay so, I'm supposed to be the leader now.
I asked DeLaid confirmation. As soon as I am sure everything is all good I'll ask for us to be in Toriclans and clean up threads. (removing some from sticky, making new member list, clan history and so on)
Last edited by Psyckho; Sep 7, 2011 at 06:12 AM.
Grand Overseer of VorteX
It's clan news, Much like, VorteX clan news, but it's great for you that you got co leader : D I know what it does feel like heh : D
Grand Overseer of VorteX
Just so you guys know, I update this every day, but As I don't make a new post each time, you don't see it updated in the thread list. You should take a look sometimes tho =)
Grand Overseer of VorteX
Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
Cool, Luna joined [ I bet its her bro thats controlling the account doh]

Nah It's me =). Btw It's great to see VorteX alive again. =D