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Best website to start learning Python?

Figured during my quarantine I'd learn something useful, and Python seems to be my pick of choice due to its functionality and general usefulness in any field. Just wondering what you folks may have used to learn Python.

I've used CodeAcademy in the past but the babying / cookie cutter template learning approach doesn't feel like I'm genuinely learning anything.

All suggestions appreciated
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Am well-versed in Python. It's definitely a great language to pick up. I'd say don't bother limiting yourself to sites: it's all well and good learning the theory, but you're not really understanding Python, you're just learning it.

Learn the basics, then set yourself a (simple-ish) challenge and consider it a project. Throw yourself in the deep end and research your way to its completion. It'll probably be difficult and overwhelming, but you'll end up learning much more than you would on Codecademy, since you'll understand how to do things, rather than just what things are. Maybe look up some projects for beginners to get you on your way. I really enjoy helping people with Python, too, so please do get in touch on Discord (have PMd you my user).

All of that said, if you really want a site to help you learn, try SoloLearn. It's free, decent, and they have an app too.

e: also agree with everything fudgie said below, good answer
Last edited by ruby; Apr 7, 2020 at 04:51 PM.
i would just like to point out that python is a relatively loosey goosey language, syntax-wise. this makes it easier to learn, but if you ever decide to learn another language you will have to adhere to a much more strict syntax.

i feel like ruby skipped over the basics. i think he meant the following topics:
- logic: and, or, not(, implication, bi-implication))
- data types
- variables
- statements: assignments, mathematical operations
- if-then-else (switch statements)
- loops: for, while(, recursion)
(- string manipulation)
- functions
- libraries

(stuff in brackets isn't required knowledge to make functioning advanced scripts/programs)

my Java course had me solve problems on url: codingbat, they have some python exercises too. it's simple stuff so you get used to the basics.

definitely do one of the beginner projects ruby linked, they're really fun, and you learn a lot.

and remember: if you ever run into a wall, just google it and click on the first stackoverflow/stackexchange link and scroll down to the answer. you are now a programmer.
alright guy
Thanks for the advice guys, will update with progress in a months time
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Any of them are fine.

Just try and make sure you’re doing small projects as you go, don’t just read for hours. Learn something new? Make some code that implements it, or look up coding challenges.

SoloLearn kinda sucks for the learning part imo because the engagement aspects are kinda shallow. But it has decent challenges.

Learning code isn’t hard. Coding in general isn’t hard tbh.

Though I wouldn’t recommend ‘just throwing yourself in the deep end and literally overwhelming yourself’. That’s uhhhh, frankly just a weird suggestion.

Need help? PM me!
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Originally Posted by Divine View Post
Though I wouldn’t recommend ‘just throwing yourself in the deep end and literally overwhelming yourself’. That’s uhhhh, frankly just a weird suggestion.

I mean, no, it isn't. Read my post again. I suggested DropKick should learn the basics first, then move onto a small project. That's exactly what websites like Codecademy do, anyway--they set you lots of small projects to complete once they've given you the relevant knowledge--except it babies you along the way, which is what DropKick said he doesn't like, so I suggested an alternative without the babying.

If that doesn't work for you, cool, but it's a tried and tested method of learning that engages and challenges without any of the babying. There are still websites and resources that can help you. I'm not saying that he should completely steer clear of the internet, as you seem to have inferred.

Plus, once you start figuring things out and make progress, it's very rewarding. Personally, doing things myself makes me remember them better than I would had I just read from Codecademy or SoloLearn.

Perhaps you could suggest an alternative (that isn't just 3/4 of my original post condensed into one line), rather than bashing somebody else's (perfectly reasonable) ideas.