Original Post
G.E.M. Event: Requesting a salad bowl mod
This is a part of my great exclamation mark event. I'll be paying 10,000TC to the person which creates the best mod. The specifications are, there must be a bowl/open box. Next to or above that bowl the players will start on a platform, from which they can throw their opponent into the bowl. Have enough room on the platform for a decent fight. Don't want to have to manually set the starting position every time.

This here is a salad bowl:
Make the bowl transparent, and have a few loose objects inside it to make it look a bit like a salad.

Asides from all that, default classic settings are fine.
Last edited by Fish; Feb 23, 2011 at 05:20 AM.
I think ill try my hands at this , so you want a bow full for salad stuff with a platform above it . the plat isnt too high above the bowl so both players can fight in it if they fall .

when is the event over ?
oooohhhh hahahaa thats pretty smart , now since this is an event mod, i need you to tell me what else you need in it .

ex: how many frames ( 750 with 10,20 rate
dismember or fracture
gravity ( hopfully -30 for a sparring feel )
and how elaberate the salad bits are
Now if i make the bowl , it may not be perfectly round but it can be transparent .

keeping in mind that i can only use 16 objects
Last edited by TRichard21; Feb 25, 2011 at 02:59 PM.
I'm not too worried about the default settings. The main thing is they start on the center of the platform. So for now, either default classic settings or what ever you think best suits the mod. Things like, having enough gravity so you can fall fast enough to reach the salad bowl before end of the match.

Meh, it just seems easier to figure all that out once the mod is made. (I haven't really given much though to the event anyway)
Well im finished .

the bowl itself turned out good , and i made the veggies large enough that you can use them for fighting on .

what kind of frame rate do you want in it ?
Attached Files
Salad_Bowl.tbm (2.8 KB, 5 views)
Shove.rpl (77.9 KB, 4 views)
no problem , i raised higher . but not too high up just because u might fracture a leg if you fall lol theres enough space to fight on top of them now .

test it out and let me know if you want it higher
Attached Files
Salad_Bowl.tbm (2.8 KB, 9 views)
Yeah I'm pretty pleased with the mod. Just wanted it higher so you could see a tad better but it's not worth it if you're gonna have low DM thresholds etc...

TC sent. Thanks for the mod.
no problem my freind , I shall upload it for you . if it doesnt work online after 10 mins or so , go to the mods tab and download it . i recomend you also to who ever will be in your event to do the same