Here are some tips to help you get you're TC up.
#1. Go on betting servers, you'll win almost 2x your amount, maybe more.
#2. Do surveys, some give you a lot for a little bit of work.
#3. Win tournaments. Try doing the 500 tournaments first, the 750 ones are usually are packed and they have more black belts+.
#4. Play official surveys. E.g. the ones with Quick::, Beginner::, Intermediate::, Ultimate::, and so on. Just look for ::.
#5. Participate in events. Click here for events.
If I missed one, tell me or just add it here.
Mother of mercy, how long has it been since they added helmets to PC?

How do I gain enough toricredits to buy items?
There are different ways to earn toricredits.

1) Buy toricredits and boosters - it costs real life money, but is the most effective way. You also get a lot of free promo items that you can use.

2) Win tourneys - the promobot will advertise them every once in a while. Sometimes you don't even need any real skill to win them, just luck will do.

3) Make and sell art - textures, signatures, avatars, custom toribash menus, whatever. Make them and sell them.

4) Of course win games in official servers, which gets you 10 TC per win.

5) Check out the events board, people make different competitions there - art, replays, etc. Sometimes it's just creative stuff. Prizes can be pretty big there.

*By War_Hero
(Toribash FAQ/Getting Started On Toribash: Everything you need to know!)
