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Extracting items from a banned account
I got banned in December 2010, due to "Hacking", as the responsible mod said.

Couldn't wait 'till December 2012 to get back to my old account, iCoelho, so i wanted to know if you could extract my Innactive and Active items from iCoelho and send to myself, on EduardoCoelho's account.

Any necessary information about password, email or anything, i'll answer.
I also have a few photos if necessary.

Awaiting for reply, thanks for now.


If you need any help about hacker's, i can help you, since you help with my items, stuck in a banned account.
after it's unbanned, go to shop, then transfer items, then transfer them to your new account.
Hope this helps.
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If there is effort, there is always accomplishment. - Jigoro Kano
Items are not transferred from banned accounts. You're lucky the account still has them. Don't give out your password.
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Originally Posted by xero901 View Post
after it's unbanned, go to shop, then transfer items, then transfer them to your new account.
Hope this helps.

He doesn't wnt to wait!?

Hope this helps.
Last edited by manowar123; Jun 2, 2011 at 10:25 PM.
Originally Posted by manowar123 View Post
He doesn't wnt to wait!?

Hope this helps.

Sorry i guess my reading was messed up at that moment, you have to wait either way i guess.
Or ask a admin or mod to probably transfer your items.
Try to prove it in some way it's your account.
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If there is effort, there is always accomplishment. - Jigoro Kano
Oh, it's not a matter of luck, but the reason for the ban. Not going to discuss this here, but, let's say there were doubts about it, so they only got my 49k TC and sent to ToriBank, but the items are still there.

Anybody who has enough autority to decide, please, contact me. Thank you!
non sense. You need't prove that was your acc. You have to prove that you were banned without reason (as misunderstanding) or something like it.
ToP Fighter!
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
Items are not transferred from banned accounts. You're lucky the account still has them. Don't give out your password.

suo says: As posted above.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
suo says: As posted above.


A guy was perma-banned whilst owing me 4mill, but they told me they couldn't give me even what he had because once banned they don't touch an account's items. Kind of sucked but whatever.

Back in the day Kai-Tiger would take the items and sell them. That was cool.
The whole point of banning you is stop stop you from accessing your tc and items. Just wait, don't blame anyone. I think the mods know what their doing, if you were hacked I think they would have unbanned you if you had shown the legit proof.
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