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Death Points

Death Points are tough to get, they cannot be obtained by simply being the average member, though, it's all very well and good being active ingame and on the forums, and we encourage that, though in todays community we could go about the servers for roughly five minutes, and fish out about 50 'average' members who are willing to enter the clan as one of us, but I dont want that, if you have any sense, you wouldn't want that, and more importantly, Kai doesn't want that.
We appreciate, that it is hard for members to remain outstanding all of the time, it can get real (bleep)ing boring and there never seems to be any motivation, this, my friends, is where Death Points come in.

Death Points are awarded to members for;

Willing to step over the line to improve the clan, for notable good.
Offer advice or ideas to help vastly improve things clan related.
Artwork or videos which show true talent and hard work.
Leadership which the whole clan is agreed to be proud of.
Winning tourniments in first place.
Donating 10,000 toricredits to the DeathBank.
Unprovoked kindness and respect.
Decap members from any enemy clan.

For tourniments you must come first place to recieve 3 Death Points, second receives two and coming third will give you one.
Decapping the leader of an enemy clan will earn you 2 Death Points if you provide the replay, and decapping minors'll give you one.
Artwork, Ideas, Kindness, and the like, are all awarded fairly in comparison to awesomeness.
Donating 10,000 toricredits will give you 10 Death Points, so it's 1 Death Point per 1,000 TC.

What the (bleep) do we need 'em for?

Depending on how many you have, come special dates, such as Christmas, Easter, New Years Day, ect. You shall recieve a small prize, nobody's promising anything amazing, but nobody is eliminating the possibility, besides, its free, so why argue?


The Death Point Masters may give Death Points as they please, though are urged to follow the rules or have a high risk of being relieved of their position, awhile being able to give Death Points, DPMs are able to give them to one another, but cannot give themselves any, doing so will result in an immediate removal of their title and a free trip to the Black List.
If anyone is to beg/ask for Death Points, they'll have their current amount (If any) removed, and be on the "Death Point Black List" and will be unable to recieve any Death Points untill the Masters feel he/she has learnt their lesson.

Current Death Point Masters.


Players with DeathPoints:

OldJoe 8
Bloxam 8
Crazylars 5
MD 1
Gynx 1

Developed by Kai, posted by Bean and edited by Gynx
Last edited by Gynx; Dec 27, 2008 at 03:01 AM.
Echomarine 4 the win
I'd be DPM, it'd give me something to bloody do and spruce up my forum life. Lol.
collect snots from the nose
maybe death points awarded also for donating sums of money to the bank? that way more ppl would donate...i sense this is flawed in sum way sum1 plz point out
Bloxam: TBH...
Bloxam: i like boys more than girls
Dr_NoXious: i see
Dr_NoXious: is now Offline.
Well there are lots of ways to earn them. Donating to the clan would be one way I guess. Or just acts of kindness where it's neccecary.


I am now running for DPM. Mainly becasue i'm not busy enough.
Echomarine 4 the win
i must hav death point coz i donate 25k
Bloxam: TBH...
Bloxam: i like boys more than girls
Dr_NoXious: i see
Dr_NoXious: is now Offline.
ok Starting from this point Donation to the bank worth 10k or more is worth 10 death points.

Art that gets selected to be used as a design for the clan is worth 20 Death points

Leadership acts and true signs of maturity will earn you 3 (these are only for when a member solves a problem amongst the clan or its members peacefully)

Winning tournaments is 5 death points

and well god ideas can vary depending on how good it is but im guessing no more than 5 for 1.
Last edited by Kai-Tiger; Nov 6, 2008 at 08:01 AM.

:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 no death points for me i wouldve got 25 D:
Bloxam: TBH...
Bloxam: i like boys more than girls
Dr_NoXious: i see
Dr_NoXious: is now Offline.