Original Post
Im Leaving
Im sorry guys but im afraid i have to leave this clan. Dont worry, im not going to join woor, Im joining beta. The reason why i am leaving is because ever since Fogle created the new clan, the superbad clan has been splintered and is no longer appealing to me. Sorry mc10vin.

P.S: Tell fogle that he is an asshole
i will keel you. with all my power. you are dead to me =)

well its true fogle. You decided one clan wasnt enough and you screwed everything up by tearing superbad's members between two clans.
For shame

P.S dont give up on superbad yet, its got potential.
yea its dead i left and i forgot 2 tell yall so just so yall know ive left
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.