Original Post
Boer's Replays! Want CnC!
Hey, so I'm just going to post all my replays here. I want CnC on all of them! Tell me what you think! There are are too many to post in one post, attachment limit :<
The rest of the replays are here!
Attached Files
#Boerhae - A Great Day.rpl (193.4 KB, 10 views)
#Boerhae - Forgetful.rpl (72.2 KB, 8 views)
#Boerhae - Good Answer.rpl (93.2 KB, 5 views)
#Boerhae - Party Animal.rpl (68.7 KB, 6 views)
#Boerhae - Seventh Heaven.rpl (210.6 KB, 6 views)
#Boerhae - Silence.rpl (68.8 KB, 7 views)
#Boerhae - Sour Grapes.rpl (139.8 KB, 6 views)
#Boerhae - Sudden.rpl (118.2 KB, 7 views)
#Boerhae - The Morning .rpl (94.0 KB, 7 views)
#Boerhae - Very Messi.rpl (93.0 KB, 8 views)
#Boerhae - Would Die.rpl (60.6 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Boerhae; Feb 22, 2015 at 10:23 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
A Great Day - I am particularly fond of the decap, but the stiffness immediately after the decap was a little bit odd.

Forgetful - I love the idea of a backwards decap, but I think the gravity sort of ruins the replay, but for a replay that jumps behind him and gets the decap from behind, that was sexy!

Good Answer - I wouldn't emote if I were you, and try to work on keeping the replay going, I could see a totally amazing follow up kick if you got into a launch position. And try not to have your limbs go through each other, especially in poses.

Holy Massacrimony - I love that splitcap, but the following head bruise really ruins it, and I am not particularly fond of that long grab, but that kick that gets the dm on it is pretty nice.

Opponent Obliteration Overdrive - The beginning kick is EXTREMELY stiff, but I love the following decap punch, it looks so nice. The surprise leg DM after the decap is a nice touch, and I live the right leg DM after the left one. Last frame kicks are always nice, but you did get a head bruise, which looks bad in replays.

Party Animal - It is good for a one shot, has a LOT of power. The elbow twitch was not a nice thing in the beginning, but wasn't too big of a deal. The pose could have been a lot better.

Seventh Heaven - Very nice splitcap, but after the decap, you go stiff. Not too neat if you ask me. And the pose looks like your having an epileptic seizure for a bit.... no offense. Still a very nice splitcap.

Silence - NOW THAT WAS A SEXY ONE SHOT! But once again, the gravity ruined the end. You had to jump around until you got to a "good" pose. But you do get to a pretty nice pose in general.

Sour grapes - Very nice concept, but when you fell, you were really stiff. I prefer to relax my joints when I need some fluidity in the replay. Uke just went fully relax at one point, making him move around would have been better. Very nice backhead decap, but it could have had a little more power. The pose gave me a boner, that is how sexy it was.

Sudden - Again, a nice one shot. The wrist was fully extended, which in not too good, you're lucky it didn't break. I love the pose, kind of like a "Get shrekt bitch" pose... Hope you got that reference... =D The spins look pretty nice as well, good fluidity and momentum.

The Morning - One shots everywhere! I love this one though, it has a great face punch warning uke to fuck the fuck off. I also love the spins into that kind of "ready for sex" pose.

Very Messi - I really like the decap, looks fluid and almost unnoticed until uke kicks it.
That was actually a lovely kick, could land uke in Fifa 2016. COULD HAVE POSED THOUGH!

Would Die - I hate that opener, really generic. But I do like the spin to decap kind of thing you got there. The opener was really stiff, but got what you needed. Tucking your arms into your chest is not always the best thing to do. I like the pose, but if your arms were down, it would look better.

My generally thing to tell you would be to work on using -30 gravity, for the fact that it is realistic. You also seem to have trouble with fluidity, but here is an awesome tip I got from someone: "Relaxing and holding is always key. You can never have a successful replay unless you relax and hold." Just follow that, and watch some of Largekilla's and Larfen's and some other professionals replays and you will grasp fluidity fantastically!

Have a good day!
I'm going to upload some more replays. AND THANK YOU SO DAMN MUCH SKYPEPRO!

*There is one replay I'm not uploading yet, will save it for later*
Attached Files
#Boerhae - Jade Strike!.rpl (118.4 KB, 4 views)
#Boerhae - MadSadGladMan.rpl (135.9 KB, 4 views)
#Boerhae - Salty Fallover.rpl (66.2 KB, 4 views)
#Boerhae - Spar vs. Skeez88.rpl (207.4 KB, 3 views)
#Boerhae - Triple 17.rpl (247.3 KB, 5 views)
Boerhae, making a glorious return!