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Lets play megaten!
its an mmorpg game its quite fun and its fairly new. you can get like pets there called demons but you can combine 2 demons to make a better demon.
I registered today lol , its lotsa fun I gotta say.
I got my Kikuru (Powerful demon) at level 1.
Unfortunanely I cant use it cuz its lvl 18 (Im 8 right now)
And my Cait is 8 too =D
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
Its fun only thing that sux is you can only create one character so if i want to see what a different play style is like i would have to delete the one now and make a whole new one
Or make a new account.

i do that a lot on "lol u cn only has one characters lel"games

I tried this, its a bit too graphic intensive for my computer, and all in all im not a huge fan of mmorpgs anyway


Hai, bitch.
You got me addicted to this, I went from 12:00PM to 6:36AM.
Playing this.
Lvl 10.
ayylmaos are real
Lol 2bit its fun isnt it?

@ishi the graphics arent even good and mine are at the highest so turn urs down mebeh or get better hard ware for your comp :P
Debating whether to try it or not...
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
You should its very fun and theres no classes or anything you can use anything you want and level up w/e you want. Like you can be a mage but you dont choose the class you just level up that skills for it. And you can learn w/e you wnat like maybe your a gunner and you want a spell go ahead and level up the mage skill although its not reccemended to focus on lots of things. And you can have ANY monster in the game as your pet.
The best demon to get is Hua Po, despite the appearance the flame attack is REALLY strong once it gets leveled.
ayylmaos are real